
Saturday, September 1, 2012

From Mama to Mommy

This week Finn started calling me "Mommy," now I think that Finn is quite a good talker, and he has been saying Mama for...I don't know how long, probably 10 months or so.  But it's always been Mama, not Mommy.

All of a sudden, this week it's Mommy.  And it's been a hard transition for me.  Randy thinks I'm insane, he keeps asking me "why do you care?"

Here's my answer...because Mommy is going to turn into Mom, which will turn into Ma, which is basically just another sign that my little guy is growing up.

I legitimately want to be a mother who loves that her little one is getting bigger, and growing and learning and becoming who they are...but it's hard.  It's hard to know that each and every day brings Finn closer and closer to not needing me anymore, and he is so much of my life. 

It's crazy.


  1. No it's not. I want Violet to be my little baby forever and to think that I am the greatest, funniest person ever, just like she does now. When I say to her, "Gimmie a kiss!" she does this things where she wriggles really fast and opens her mouth really big and grabs my face with both hands. I smooch her and smooch her all over and she opens her mouth to put on my mouth which is probably gross but I love it! Knowing that she will be horrified at the thought of kissing me, much less kissing me like that, kills me :( I don't think I can deal with knowing that soon enough, I won't be able to grab her and snuggle her and kiss her about 35 times in a row. I can only hope that she and I enjoy each other's company a lot as she grows older and that she WANTS to be near me all the time.

    P.S. Violet is not talking yet obviously, but I think I will die with bliss the day she says, "Mama".

  2. When Miles tried to switch to Mommy, I had the same fit as you. Dustin also thought I was nuts. :)
    I pretty much forced him to continue calling me Mama though! I only referered to myself as Mama and "corrected" him a few times. At 5, he switches between Mommy, Mom and Mama indiscriminately.

  3. Tenley calls me "Mom" every once in awhile and it makes me want to die. I just look at her and say "Call me Mommy, Mom is for when your much bigger." It's funny though, because she'll do it a bunch in a row then won't do it for days.
