
Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Tired...and cranky.

So yesterday...was a killer day. I was at school from 7-3. Came home. Fed dogs. Ate. Let dogs out...and in (no time for full sentences). Went to gym. Cross-trained for 40 minutes. Came home. Showered. Drove back to school. Picked up pizza for students. Stayed at school for a hundred years...came home at 8:45, went immediately to sleep.

Geez. It's tiring to even write. Today has been a bit more relaxing; however, it is snowing. Again.

We are supposed to get 9-13 inches tonight. If this results in a snow day...I'm all for it. If not, I'm going to jump off a bridge.

On a positive's lesson about responsibility in the Holocaust went awesome. I hope it goes well with my 4th block as well. They are a bit more challenging.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Two in one day...that's how I roll.

So, yes I have already written a blog post for today. BUT, I had more to say and it didn't fit into my snow-ranting, so I am writing a new post.

If I had any followers...I would apologize. BUT, I don', I won't. Funny, but sad. :(

So...this weekend a terrible tragedy in my life occurred. One of my best friends left iPhone.

Now, let me preface...I am in love with my phone. Other than the people in my life (and I'm including my two doggies in this), it's my favorite thing in the world. I am obsessed with it. And now, it's gone. And, honestly, I feel a little bit lost.

It happened around 1:30 on Saturday afternoon. I was driving back from Bed, Bath and Beyond and Kohl's and into the Target parking lot. I was talking to Allison...and checking facebook...and using the sync function in my car. It was all too much for the little guy. He froze. I thought to myself...okay, I'll just turn him back on.

Nothing happened...., "Wait, did I charge it last night?" I thought to myself...yes, yes I did.

So then, I thought "I'll just wait a little while--he just needs a break." THREE.HOURS. LATER...he still wouldn't revive himself.

Now, I don't have a house phone. I also don't have internet. My phone is my connection to the outside world. Those three hours were depressing.

I went to Best Buy (because at least I was forward thinking enough to make sure that I had insurance on my little-baby). They took my phone...bye bye! They are sending me a new 4-7 days.

Yes, you read that correctly...I could be without my phone for ONE ENTIRE WEEK! I did not even ask if that meant 4-7 business days. I think I could cry.

My phone e-mail, my internet, my text messaging, my iPod...everything. I mean seriously thank God that Chrisanne let me use her phone to listen to music while working out yesterday, or I don't think I would have made it.


Here's another FML story...I have lost 1 pound since I started running. That is not a typo...ONE POUND...what is that bullshit? I ran 4 miles yesterday...that's more than I've run in over a year...and I"ve lost a pound?

I don't understand what I'm doing wrong. I have changed my eating habits...not an incredibly amount, but I have given up pop and sweets...why haven't I lost anything. You would think that even just running would make me lose SOMETHING!

I am so annoyed with myself. I need to figure out what to do. Like, come up with a specific plan.


I'm out.


Okay, people who know me would tell you that I am a winter person. I LOVE winter. I love sweatshirts, sweatpants, jackets, snow, snowboarding and pretty much everything about it.

But, I would like to alert you that I am DONE with winter. I am sick of driving in the snow, worrying about whether I'm going to make it into work, shoveling (or, in my case, waiting for Randy to shovel), slipping on ice, trying to get Oliver to come inside from the FREEZING cold so that he doesn't catch pneumonia, and being cold. I am DONE!

When will it end? It's snowing AGAIN.

I feel like I wouldn't care as much today that it were snowing except for the fact that I have to drive home, work out and then drive RIGHT back to school for a one-hour meeting! BOO!

Yuck snow.

Get out of my face.

Time for spring.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Traveling Angst

So, I'm sending this question out into the void, because I don't really know what else to do with it.

Am I a failure if I do not travel the globe?

Today, I read my husband's cousin's blog. She is living in Rouen for the next year. She has been to Africa, India, France...and a lot more places that I cannot even remember.

Why is it that I believe that I am only successful if I have these experiences? Where does this drive to travel come from?

My sister spent one summer studying abroad en France. Pas moi. C'est tres mal. I, also, had the opportunity to spend a summer abroad, I also had the opportunity to spend a semester/year abroad during college. Why didn't I do this? I had to see about a boy. Silly, yet true.

Now, in my is a bit more understandable because this "boy" is now a "man" and is my husband. If you ever once asked me if I would trade my husband for those experiences...I, of course, would emphatically say "NEVER!" However, I consistently feel cheated by not traveling abroad.

When my little sister talks about these adventures I find myself actually YEARNING for them. However, I am not the type of person that necessarily enjoys not knowing where I am going and/or not knowing people. I don't make friends very easily. 90% of my friends are the friends I had in high school. Does that make me a freak?

Do I just feel like I missed out on something that I can honestly NEVER get again. There will never again be an opportunity to travel for months at a time again. It's too late. I'm 27 years old and I am "too old" to do this. I have responsibilities--a home, a husband, two lovely puppy-dogs, and a job. I can't leave for months at a time. I understand this, I accept this.

I still wish that I could. I wish I could have a French romance. I wish that I could experience the world.

Part of me thinks..."How great is it that I will get to experience the world with my husband, the love of my life?" but part of me also thinks that "I wish I had this experience--just for myself."

I don't know why, but this is something I think about a lot.

"You do not regret the things you've done, but those you do not do." (thanks Empire Records!)

Well, I'll leave this question here. It's one of the times that I wish I had some followers to answer these questions. BUT, it's more important tome for this blog to be personal then to get these questions answered...I guess.

Until next time, I will be wishing I was in an exotic locale, meeting interesting people, living an interesting life.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Monday? Is it Monday again? We just had Monday!?

Boo. On. Monday! I am so tired of Mondays. I know that I have been relatively complain-y lately (that's right-I'm an English teacher and I said that...guess what? This blog is for my personal entertainment and I do NOT want to consult any outside sources to write it!).

Anyways, this weekend was fun...again. Which makes Monday even worse...again. I hung out with Chrisanne like all weekend. We played Mario on Friday night, shopping, dinner, movie on Saturday (with a work-out thrown in there) and worked out on Sunday. Also, the Saints won the Super Bowl. That's not too exciting--except that I like to see an underdog win.

Apparently, I have writer's down-syndrome today because I am incapable of writing anything remotely interesting.

I will make a list now...

I hate Monday's because
- I have to go back to work
- I have to go to Calumet College and become less intelligent listening to idiots.
- It means that I have to work a million days in a row
- I don't get to go home until after 7 :(

Specific reasons I hate THIS Monday
- It's supposed to snow a lot tonight-Wednesday...this means that I will either (1) have a snow day, which would be awesome...or (2) have to drive to school in crappy conditions and risk my life to do so.

- I have a meeting after school/ before school every day this week except for tomorrow! It sucks!

However, I have a few good things going on in my life too.

I am really starting to feel healthy again. I worked out every day I was supposed to last week, it's been QUITE a long time since the last time I did that. BUT, here's the best news. I ran for 25 minutes straight on Sunday morning. It was not even that difficult.

It's been 1.5 years since the last time I did that. I could tell you the last time. I ran 6 miles 2 thanksgiving's ago. That was the last time I ran for 25 minutes straight. When I started I made the resolution that I'd run as long as I could, but my goal was 15-20 minutes, I made it to 15 and thought I should try to make it to 20, made it to 20 and thought "I can do 25" and I did. This made me feel like my goal was tangible. I could really run a half-marathon. I can.

I will do it.

I will become the person I am supposed to be.

And, I can't wait.

Friday, February 5, 2010

My life is an ellipses

It's really hard for me to come up with blog titles. Really hard. Sometimes I think about for tens of minutes. So all I could come up with today was ... (<----) I am 27 years old. Is that too old? Or too young? to have a baby? Why can I NOT stop thinking about it. I feel like some days I really feel ready for that. Other days I don't think I'm even close to ready. My brother is having a baby, well...his wife is. I'm really happy for him because he's wanted a baby for a long time. BUT, his wife is only 25 (he is 32). My husband is 25; I am 27. Does this matter? How old is TOO old? ...I did some research on the internet. A woman in her 20s has an 84-98% chance of conceiving, while a woman in her 30s has a 75% chance of conceiving. As long as the woman is in good physical shape, the risk of her being hurt is somewhat low. Okay, well lately I cannot stop thinking about babies. BABIES, BABIES, BABIES!? Wtf, right? Last night, Randy and I picked out, for hours. Sat there with a baby name book and looked up names.

In case someone else on the planet reads this blog...I don't want anyone to know our names, so I had to erase them! :) Sorry, but I am possessive.

Randy likes Brennan (that's his mother's maiden name). I think it's boring. We would call her Brynn, which I still don't hate. I guess I just want something that means something. I want something that is like all the names for the boys. Something interesting and beautiful. If anyone, other than myself is reading this blog. I'm taking options.

  • Atticus (To Kill a Mockingbird)
  • Finn and Huckleberry (Huckleberry Finn)
  • Natasha (War and Peace)
  • Briony (Atonement)
  • Heathcliff (Wuthering Heights)
  • Pearl (The Scarlet Letter)
  • Fitzwilliam (Pride and Prejudice)
  • Elinor (Sense and Sensibility)
  • Dorthea (Middlemarch)
  • Daisy (The Great Gatsby)
  • Rhett and Scarlett (Gone with the Wind )

  • Let me clarify. I am not pregnant. Nor do I plan to be pregnant at any time in the near future. I am just being prepared, and anal, and OCD.

    The end.

    Wait, I seriously can't believe I just wrote an entire blog about this. I'm ridiculous!


    Wednesday, February 3, 2010

    "To write is to taste life twice."

    So...basically, I had one of the best weekends I've had in...well, a long time this weekend.

    It was my birthday party. There are times in your life when you truly look around you and you think to yourself, "How did I get so lucky to be loved by so many amazing individuals?" This is legitimately how I felt this weekend.

    I had the most amazing time. Anais Nin says, "To write is to taste life twice." So I will do my best to recap for you.

    Randy, Joyce and I drove down to the condo and met Jenn and Josh there. Jenn is legitimately my oldest and dearest friend. I, honestly, cannot say enough good things about her. She is one of the most amazing people I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. She basically planned out my entire party. She brought decorations, food, drinks--the works. She even brought an Edward Cullen picture with a word bubble saying "Happy Birthday Becky!" I mean how cute is that? I don't even think it could get any cuter?

    As my friends began to arrive and bring (totally unnecessary) gifts I became overwhelmed with emotion. Here in this room: my sister, my niece (who begged to come, which some might find annoying...I found ADORABLE!), my husband, my sister and brother-in-laws, Allison & Jeff (who drove from Indianapolis), Matt & Lisa, Chrisanne & John, Beth, Rachel, Katie, and Joyce. I couldn't help it. I felt so loved.

    We went to dinner at Weber Grill, where Ava told Joyce all about how she is "supposed to find a husband when she is in college (WHO TEACHES HER THESE THINGS?) and "why is she single?" And told the rest of us all about "the life and times of Ava." I sat next to Randy and really thought about how much I love him for being there for me, and being a trooper. Going out with all my friends and not just being there--but loving it. I love him for loving my friends and family. I thought about how happy I am that my sister-in-law and I have been able to put all the drama behind us and are actually friends again, which is just such a blessing. I just couldn't imagine a better time...well, maybe if my meal had been a bit better! LoL. I've always gotta find something to complain about.

    After dinner, we went back to the condo and everyone sang to me, we sat around and talked some more, and eventually made our way to the bars. Well, not bars--one bar-my favorite bar in the entire world: Sluggers. Sluggers is the ultimate place to be--upstairs is a game room AND a piano bar; downstairs is a dance floor,and a place to watch TV/games. Could you ask for anything more? Oh wait, did I mention it's in Wrigleyville--one of my favorite places in the world?

    As an added bonus, my brother's best friend Chris, who is slowly becoming one of my favorite people, was able to make it out to the bar (even though my brother wasn't; which, on it's own, was a pretty big disappointment). He not only came to the bar, he was the life of the party. Here's a "glimpse" at what the night looked like...

    Chris is dancing with all of us on the dance floor (all of us, at this point in time, was Chrisanne, Beth, Allison, Jeff, Randy and I). There is also a homeless man dancing on the dance floor-and he was good, like, really good. Chris looks at him and shrugs, "dance off?" and they proceed to spend 10 minutes going back and forth dancing like crazy fools. Suffice it to say, Chris lost...only because the man in the purple shirt did the SPLITS on the dance floor. It. was. awesome.

    I am sometimes just floored by how lucky I am. Like, I can't even deal with how fortunate I am.

    Things to be thankful for:

    1. My husband loves to dance. I LOVE that he loves to dance. Some people just sit there and watch, but he loves it. I love that we can go out and have a ton of fun together (despite the fact that we usually fight AT LEAST once...this was no different! LoL)
    2. I love that my niece loves me enough to be offended that I didn't invite her to my party. I love that Renee brought her with. It's flipping adorable.
    3. I love Jenn. I am constantly amazed that somehow I ended up with a friend like her. I don't know anyone else that would go to so much trouble for me. That includes everyone in my family and my husband. She is the most thoughtful person on the planet, and I wish I could be more like her.
    4. Great friends. I am just lucky. Chrisanne has quickly become one of my best friends. She is also amazingly thoughtful and caring. She is just so much fun to be around. We can laugh harder than anyone at (1) the movies or (2) the bars. It doesn't matter where they are. I am lucky that I have her. Joyce is another one of those people that I know, no matter what, will be there for me forever. She just gets it. She's a female version of Chris--always a blast to be around.
    5. Did I mention great friends? I knew that Allison would be able to make it up here, but I wasn't sure that she would be fun because of her new boyfriend. I had been nervous about it for weeks. However, I can't explain how happy I am that I was proven wrong. Allison AND Jeff were both a blast. I have been burned by SO many girls that have screwed me over for boys. I feel like it's finally over. I have the friends who I am supposed to have now.
    6. Betty & I are friends again. I missed her...a lot. We will always get on each other's nerves; mostly, because we are so alike that we can't accept each other's differences. BUT, I really think that the worst of it's over.
    7. Chris...I feel like Chris is really like a brother to me. He had a deep, heart-to-heart with me and listened to me. Not, "I'm just looking at her" listening but REAL, meaningful, listening. That meant a whole lot to me.

    Overall, I had an absolutely amazing birthday. It was fabulous. I coudln't have asked for anything better.

    I wish I could re-live it over and over and over.

    Thanks everyone who was there for making it amazing...and thanks for letting me "taste it twice"--three times if you count the facebook pictures ;)

    **Also, shout-out to officially training for the mini-marathon starting...yesterday. It was hard, but it was also awesome. I can do it. I really can and I will not fail this time.

    I am also giving up sugar after today because I can't do this to myself anymore. I am hoping to keep that up!