
Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Two in one day...that's how I roll.

So, yes I have already written a blog post for today. BUT, I had more to say and it didn't fit into my snow-ranting, so I am writing a new post.

If I had any followers...I would apologize. BUT, I don', I won't. Funny, but sad. :(

So...this weekend a terrible tragedy in my life occurred. One of my best friends left iPhone.

Now, let me preface...I am in love with my phone. Other than the people in my life (and I'm including my two doggies in this), it's my favorite thing in the world. I am obsessed with it. And now, it's gone. And, honestly, I feel a little bit lost.

It happened around 1:30 on Saturday afternoon. I was driving back from Bed, Bath and Beyond and Kohl's and into the Target parking lot. I was talking to Allison...and checking facebook...and using the sync function in my car. It was all too much for the little guy. He froze. I thought to myself...okay, I'll just turn him back on.

Nothing happened...., "Wait, did I charge it last night?" I thought to myself...yes, yes I did.

So then, I thought "I'll just wait a little while--he just needs a break." THREE.HOURS. LATER...he still wouldn't revive himself.

Now, I don't have a house phone. I also don't have internet. My phone is my connection to the outside world. Those three hours were depressing.

I went to Best Buy (because at least I was forward thinking enough to make sure that I had insurance on my little-baby). They took my phone...bye bye! They are sending me a new 4-7 days.

Yes, you read that correctly...I could be without my phone for ONE ENTIRE WEEK! I did not even ask if that meant 4-7 business days. I think I could cry.

My phone e-mail, my internet, my text messaging, my iPod...everything. I mean seriously thank God that Chrisanne let me use her phone to listen to music while working out yesterday, or I don't think I would have made it.


Here's another FML story...I have lost 1 pound since I started running. That is not a typo...ONE POUND...what is that bullshit? I ran 4 miles yesterday...that's more than I've run in over a year...and I"ve lost a pound?

I don't understand what I'm doing wrong. I have changed my eating habits...not an incredibly amount, but I have given up pop and sweets...why haven't I lost anything. You would think that even just running would make me lose SOMETHING!

I am so annoyed with myself. I need to figure out what to do. Like, come up with a specific plan.


I'm out.

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