
Monday, February 15, 2010

Traveling Angst

So, I'm sending this question out into the void, because I don't really know what else to do with it.

Am I a failure if I do not travel the globe?

Today, I read my husband's cousin's blog. She is living in Rouen for the next year. She has been to Africa, India, France...and a lot more places that I cannot even remember.

Why is it that I believe that I am only successful if I have these experiences? Where does this drive to travel come from?

My sister spent one summer studying abroad en France. Pas moi. C'est tres mal. I, also, had the opportunity to spend a summer abroad, I also had the opportunity to spend a semester/year abroad during college. Why didn't I do this? I had to see about a boy. Silly, yet true.

Now, in my is a bit more understandable because this "boy" is now a "man" and is my husband. If you ever once asked me if I would trade my husband for those experiences...I, of course, would emphatically say "NEVER!" However, I consistently feel cheated by not traveling abroad.

When my little sister talks about these adventures I find myself actually YEARNING for them. However, I am not the type of person that necessarily enjoys not knowing where I am going and/or not knowing people. I don't make friends very easily. 90% of my friends are the friends I had in high school. Does that make me a freak?

Do I just feel like I missed out on something that I can honestly NEVER get again. There will never again be an opportunity to travel for months at a time again. It's too late. I'm 27 years old and I am "too old" to do this. I have responsibilities--a home, a husband, two lovely puppy-dogs, and a job. I can't leave for months at a time. I understand this, I accept this.

I still wish that I could. I wish I could have a French romance. I wish that I could experience the world.

Part of me thinks..."How great is it that I will get to experience the world with my husband, the love of my life?" but part of me also thinks that "I wish I had this experience--just for myself."

I don't know why, but this is something I think about a lot.

"You do not regret the things you've done, but those you do not do." (thanks Empire Records!)

Well, I'll leave this question here. It's one of the times that I wish I had some followers to answer these questions. BUT, it's more important tome for this blog to be personal then to get these questions answered...I guess.

Until next time, I will be wishing I was in an exotic locale, meeting interesting people, living an interesting life.

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