
Monday, February 8, 2010

Monday? Is it Monday again? We just had Monday!?

Boo. On. Monday! I am so tired of Mondays. I know that I have been relatively complain-y lately (that's right-I'm an English teacher and I said that...guess what? This blog is for my personal entertainment and I do NOT want to consult any outside sources to write it!).

Anyways, this weekend was fun...again. Which makes Monday even worse...again. I hung out with Chrisanne like all weekend. We played Mario on Friday night, shopping, dinner, movie on Saturday (with a work-out thrown in there) and worked out on Sunday. Also, the Saints won the Super Bowl. That's not too exciting--except that I like to see an underdog win.

Apparently, I have writer's down-syndrome today because I am incapable of writing anything remotely interesting.

I will make a list now...

I hate Monday's because
- I have to go back to work
- I have to go to Calumet College and become less intelligent listening to idiots.
- It means that I have to work a million days in a row
- I don't get to go home until after 7 :(

Specific reasons I hate THIS Monday
- It's supposed to snow a lot tonight-Wednesday...this means that I will either (1) have a snow day, which would be awesome...or (2) have to drive to school in crappy conditions and risk my life to do so.

- I have a meeting after school/ before school every day this week except for tomorrow! It sucks!

However, I have a few good things going on in my life too.

I am really starting to feel healthy again. I worked out every day I was supposed to last week, it's been QUITE a long time since the last time I did that. BUT, here's the best news. I ran for 25 minutes straight on Sunday morning. It was not even that difficult.

It's been 1.5 years since the last time I did that. I could tell you the last time. I ran 6 miles 2 thanksgiving's ago. That was the last time I ran for 25 minutes straight. When I started I made the resolution that I'd run as long as I could, but my goal was 15-20 minutes, I made it to 15 and thought I should try to make it to 20, made it to 20 and thought "I can do 25" and I did. This made me feel like my goal was tangible. I could really run a half-marathon. I can.

I will do it.

I will become the person I am supposed to be.

And, I can't wait.

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