
Wednesday, January 27, 2010 FML's Wednesday. So far, that's the only good thing about today.

Woke up early, did NOT work out like I was supposed to (strike 1). Got in car, drove to work, listened to crappy music.

**Side note--I feel worse about my music since getting satellite radio. This is because the entire drive to school I spend looking for something else. I have like 40-50 stations to choose from. This means that even if I'm rocking out to "Tik Tok" (yes it DOES bother me, as an English teacher, that Kesha spells this wrong) I'm still thinking the entire time..."What if 'Part in the USA' is on on the Disney station?" So, rather than staying with one song...I switch the station 345 times.

Anyways, then I am on the way to gas light comes on--okay, no big deal. I stop to get gas. I mean, I am, like, pulled into the gas station and out of the car...WHERE IS MY PURSE? Oh yes, at home on the coffee table. FML! FML! FML! How the HELL am I going to get home with no gas and no money to get gas??? DAMMIT! I then call Randy. Why do I do that? Why do I think that Randy will come to my rescue? He does not. Why do I insist on calling him? GEEZ! So then I get pissed at him for NOT coming to my rescue and hang up. He calls back and tries to fumble through a plan. I tell him "I'll deal with it" and move on.

Here are my choices for dealing with it:
- Drive to the bank in Valpo (20 minutes away) and get cash out hoping that they don't ask for ID.
- Borrow money like a hobo from someone at school
- Borrow money from my secret stash at school.

Obviously, I'm going with option 3, but STILL! What a pain. Now I have to replenish my stash at school. BOO!

This also means that I need to stop home after school and get my purse before going to my hair appointment. This..SUCKS! 1. I have to listen to the dogs whine about how they want to get fed without being able to feed them 2. It's going to waste my time.

I am trying to not let this ruin my day.

Good things about today:
1. I am alive
2. I am going to Olive Garden for dinner tonight :)
3. I'm getting my hair done, which is good after it's done
4. It's Friday and there are only 3 days until my birthday party :)

Okay, time to get much-needed work done.

Peace. (when I have bad days I'm sort of a gangsta)

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

My birthday...part II I told you yesterday. It was my birthday. For most people, this is a happy occasion. For me, I pretty much would rather slit my wrists than have it be my actual birthday. This goes back a LONG way.

When I was a kid, my mom would let me pick out special prizes for the games at my birthday party. The other kids got to pick erasers, pencils, plastic rings. I got action figures, Polly Pockets, Littlest Pet Shops. IT.WAS.AWESOME! However, when the day of my birthday was bad. Every year. I got yelled at, again and again. I was being a brat, I'm sure. I got in trouble for talking back, I got in trouble for telling the kids about my cool prizes that they could never have. I didn't clean enough, I wouldn't sit still for my hair, I wouldn't wear the embarassing clothes that my mom picked out for me. On and on and on it went. I was always so excited for it to come, but when it was here...I was just yelled at all day long. Then, my mother would go into this tirade (same as on Christmas, but it never had the same effect on Christmas) about how spoiled I was and how all of us kids got EVERYTHING we ever wanted, she worked two jobs, we never appreciated anything...blah, blah, blah.

So, this clouds my vision of my birthday to this very day. So, yesterday was a good day because no one knew it was my birthday. NO pressure to have this fantastic day...until I got home. Then, things changed. I was home...the house was messy, but I shouldn't have to clean on my birthday, right?

Randy got home late...because he was out buying me a gift. Does this bother anyone else? It bothers me! I spend weeks, and in some cases, months, thinking of what I should get Randy. He goes out to Target the day OF my birthday...not the day before--the day OF my birthday to get me something. This tells me that I'm unimportant. Now, do I like my gift? Yes! You wanna know why? Because I have been telling him that I have wanted it for about 2 months. Why he was unable to make it to the store until the day of my birthday, I am unaware of. So, I got upset about that, and tried to hide it. I failed miserably. I am awful at trying to hide that I'm upset.

So, he went to get pizza...I started to play Super Mario Brothers (the aforementioned gift) and got slightly happier. He brought pizza home and forgot pop. It's my birthday right? I wanted pop and he went back out to get it. Even happier. We started watching a was stupid. I went and rented it myself ('s my birthday, why am I doing this?). I fell asleep on the couch at 7:30, Randy woke me up and transferred me to bed at 9:30. Yes I DID sleep the entire night.

That is apparently how 27 year olds roll on their birthdays.


P.S. My actual birthday celebration, which I planned myself, will take place this weekend. It will be awesome. I will be hip and cool and you won't even know that I am 27 years old.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Officially...old. FML

So it's official. I am 27 years old. I keep thinking to myself, "where did I picture myself when I thought about 27?" And, I am pretty sure that I am here.
I am employed, I love my job.
I am married, I love my husband.
I have a brand new car, that I love.
I have two dogs that I love.
I have a house...that I am learning to love the more and more my Randy fixes it up.

I mean, overall, I am pretty happy with my life. On the horizon...I would like to have children within the next 2 years or so. Some days, I want one right away; other days...never.

So far today has been a pretty good day. I think that I always want my birthday to be something spectacular and it never is. This year, I didn't expect anything. It's Monday, so I expected it to be like any other Monday...and it is. I have only told one person that it's my birthday (at school) and THAT is great! I am so happy that I don't have students/other teacher's coming up and saying "happy birthday" to me every 12 seconds. The anonymity is nice.

Tonight--Randy and I are just hanging out together; nothing crazy; nothing over-the top. It'll be nice.

I also planned my own birthday party this year. I figured out where and when we would go, this Saturday we are going downtown to my favorite places in the world, with most of my favorite people in the world. So far, 27 is feeling pretty good.

The only bad thin that has happened thus far is that I spilled some Fat Free Pringles in my purse this morning, but I didn't let it get to me.

Overall, it's a MLIA kind of day :)


Thursday, January 21, 2010

Definitely MLIA

So...reasons why today is awesome so far...
2. I've already talked to Ashley
3. It's Thursday, which means it's almost Friday
4. I get to work out with Chrisanne today, which may sound lame to the rest of you...but to me, it's fun.

This morning I woke up at 5:24. I let the dogs out and laid on the couch to wait for them to come in. They came in, I went back to bed for 10 minutes. I got up at 5:47 and raced to beat Randy to the shower, got dressed, got lunch ready, kissed Randy goodbye and got into my car. I had left my phone in my car last night so I took it out and...BOOM! There was a missed call from the school, and a missed call from Cindy (my awesome friend at school). TWO HOUR DELAY! I delightedly ran back inside, kissed Randy goodbye, put on PJ pants, did a load of laundry and wonderfully spent two hours laying on the couch with my beautiful puppies watching Saved By the Bell. Pretty much a perfect morning.

Some people say that "a dog is just a dog," and while I understand their point...there is nothing, and I mean NOTHING in the world that can make me feel as good as my dogs can. Every morning they are happy to see me, every day when I get home they are ecstatic to see me (notice how I leave out the minor detail that they are MOST happy to get fed), they want to cuddle with me all the time...they love me-for better or worse. When I am at my absolute worst, crying, snot dripping down my face, they love me regardless. That is absolutely amazing to me. So basically, having my Oliver (who has been sick on and off for a while) laying in the crook of my arm and Ella (who we had to take the emergency vet on Tuesday because we thought she had bloat--false alarm) in the crook of my leg watching Saved by the Bell is the happiest I've felt least days. :)

I've also been doing well when it comes to eating this week. I have even found my new favorite lunch. I make a wrap out of Flat out light tomato bread, lettuce, tomato, green pepper, mexican cheese (1/4 cup) and 6 strips of soy-chicken. It's something like 298 calories and it's DELICIOUS! :)

So hopefully, the MLIA part of my day will continue. I have to stay after school today for (1) a student to make up a test and (2) Natural Helpers practice, which I (kind of) got roped into doing, but it's for Cindy and so I'm not really upset about it. It's a great program (I'll talk more about it later) and I am glad she wants me involved :)


Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Explanatory moment...

So...I feel like the first thing that I need to do is to explain why I chose my blog title. My name is Becky, and I am an extremely black and white human being. My brother-in-law once told me "sometimes I like to see what kind of Becky day it is (according to my facebook status)." This is in regards to either my facebook statuses are "I love my family, they are awesome, LIFE is awesome!" or "My life is terrible, my day was terrible FML!"
This is how I feel all the time--on edge, ready to explode, emotional, etc. (Feel free to send notes of concern and regret to my husband-he deals with a lot). Since this blog will contain a lot of MLIA (my life is awesome) moments as well as a lot of FML (f*&$ my life) moments--I named it as such.

To introduce myself a bit more...
I am ( like 5 days) 27 years old
I am a teacher.
I am a wife.
I am a sister.
I am a daughter.
I am a photographer.
I am a dog-lover.
I am a vegetarian.
I am a bibliophile.
I am a television-addict.
I am a Twilight-aholic.
I am a Harry Potter fanatic.
I love my dogs more than almost anyone I know (certain days--anyone I know).
I don't know how I would survive without my little sister.
I sometimes can't explain why I am so mean to my husband, but I love him dearly.
I am busy.
I am overwhelmed.
I love reality television.
I (secretly...but maybe not so secretly) want to be a mother soon.

I plan to use this blog for anything and everything I want to write about.

For example, today I am thinking about 3 main things.
1. Training. One of my best friends and I are beginning to train for a half-marathon. This is inspired by two things (1) I am the most out-of-shape I have ever been. It is embarrassing and it must stop. (2) On the Biggest Loser last season Rebecca ran a half-marathon and during her half-marathon she began to cry and said, "this is the person I am supposed to be." This statement was completely overwhelming to me. I thought to myself--YES! That is how I want to feel. I have tried to train for a mini-marathon before, but I quit. I don't want to be that person any more. I will run this race, even if I don't run fast, even if I don't run well. I WILL run it. I am starting my exercise/eating correctly...NOW! Today is the day.
2. School. I have had a really rough week. I got yelled at by a parent for the first time ever. When I say yelled at--I legitimately mean yelled at. I felt like I was the teacher in It's a Wonderful Life and George Bailey (one of my heroes) was telling me what a stupid, selfish, heartless human being I am. It was heart breaking and I tried (almost unsuccessfully) to choke back the tears as I tried to go back to teaching Advanced Composition.
3. My plans for the day. I am in my second block of teaching at this moment. My students are watching a film. I have two more blocks to go and it is Wednesday, that means I am MORE than halfway throug the week (see above as to why that makes me exceedingly happy). Tonight I am going to do the following (1) apologize to my husband for my crappy attitude this week (2) take my beautiful puppy dogs to the vet for nail clipping and ear infections (3) go to my parents for dinner. All of the above have the potential to be fun, or the potential to be crappy. I just need to make the decision.

Is it a FML or a MLIA kind of day?