
Thursday, January 21, 2010

Definitely MLIA

So...reasons why today is awesome so far...
2. I've already talked to Ashley
3. It's Thursday, which means it's almost Friday
4. I get to work out with Chrisanne today, which may sound lame to the rest of you...but to me, it's fun.

This morning I woke up at 5:24. I let the dogs out and laid on the couch to wait for them to come in. They came in, I went back to bed for 10 minutes. I got up at 5:47 and raced to beat Randy to the shower, got dressed, got lunch ready, kissed Randy goodbye and got into my car. I had left my phone in my car last night so I took it out and...BOOM! There was a missed call from the school, and a missed call from Cindy (my awesome friend at school). TWO HOUR DELAY! I delightedly ran back inside, kissed Randy goodbye, put on PJ pants, did a load of laundry and wonderfully spent two hours laying on the couch with my beautiful puppies watching Saved By the Bell. Pretty much a perfect morning.

Some people say that "a dog is just a dog," and while I understand their point...there is nothing, and I mean NOTHING in the world that can make me feel as good as my dogs can. Every morning they are happy to see me, every day when I get home they are ecstatic to see me (notice how I leave out the minor detail that they are MOST happy to get fed), they want to cuddle with me all the time...they love me-for better or worse. When I am at my absolute worst, crying, snot dripping down my face, they love me regardless. That is absolutely amazing to me. So basically, having my Oliver (who has been sick on and off for a while) laying in the crook of my arm and Ella (who we had to take the emergency vet on Tuesday because we thought she had bloat--false alarm) in the crook of my leg watching Saved by the Bell is the happiest I've felt least days. :)

I've also been doing well when it comes to eating this week. I have even found my new favorite lunch. I make a wrap out of Flat out light tomato bread, lettuce, tomato, green pepper, mexican cheese (1/4 cup) and 6 strips of soy-chicken. It's something like 298 calories and it's DELICIOUS! :)

So hopefully, the MLIA part of my day will continue. I have to stay after school today for (1) a student to make up a test and (2) Natural Helpers practice, which I (kind of) got roped into doing, but it's for Cindy and so I'm not really upset about it. It's a great program (I'll talk more about it later) and I am glad she wants me involved :)


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