
Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Explanatory moment...

So...I feel like the first thing that I need to do is to explain why I chose my blog title. My name is Becky, and I am an extremely black and white human being. My brother-in-law once told me "sometimes I like to see what kind of Becky day it is (according to my facebook status)." This is in regards to either my facebook statuses are "I love my family, they are awesome, LIFE is awesome!" or "My life is terrible, my day was terrible FML!"
This is how I feel all the time--on edge, ready to explode, emotional, etc. (Feel free to send notes of concern and regret to my husband-he deals with a lot). Since this blog will contain a lot of MLIA (my life is awesome) moments as well as a lot of FML (f*&$ my life) moments--I named it as such.

To introduce myself a bit more...
I am ( like 5 days) 27 years old
I am a teacher.
I am a wife.
I am a sister.
I am a daughter.
I am a photographer.
I am a dog-lover.
I am a vegetarian.
I am a bibliophile.
I am a television-addict.
I am a Twilight-aholic.
I am a Harry Potter fanatic.
I love my dogs more than almost anyone I know (certain days--anyone I know).
I don't know how I would survive without my little sister.
I sometimes can't explain why I am so mean to my husband, but I love him dearly.
I am busy.
I am overwhelmed.
I love reality television.
I (secretly...but maybe not so secretly) want to be a mother soon.

I plan to use this blog for anything and everything I want to write about.

For example, today I am thinking about 3 main things.
1. Training. One of my best friends and I are beginning to train for a half-marathon. This is inspired by two things (1) I am the most out-of-shape I have ever been. It is embarrassing and it must stop. (2) On the Biggest Loser last season Rebecca ran a half-marathon and during her half-marathon she began to cry and said, "this is the person I am supposed to be." This statement was completely overwhelming to me. I thought to myself--YES! That is how I want to feel. I have tried to train for a mini-marathon before, but I quit. I don't want to be that person any more. I will run this race, even if I don't run fast, even if I don't run well. I WILL run it. I am starting my exercise/eating correctly...NOW! Today is the day.
2. School. I have had a really rough week. I got yelled at by a parent for the first time ever. When I say yelled at--I legitimately mean yelled at. I felt like I was the teacher in It's a Wonderful Life and George Bailey (one of my heroes) was telling me what a stupid, selfish, heartless human being I am. It was heart breaking and I tried (almost unsuccessfully) to choke back the tears as I tried to go back to teaching Advanced Composition.
3. My plans for the day. I am in my second block of teaching at this moment. My students are watching a film. I have two more blocks to go and it is Wednesday, that means I am MORE than halfway throug the week (see above as to why that makes me exceedingly happy). Tonight I am going to do the following (1) apologize to my husband for my crappy attitude this week (2) take my beautiful puppy dogs to the vet for nail clipping and ear infections (3) go to my parents for dinner. All of the above have the potential to be fun, or the potential to be crappy. I just need to make the decision.

Is it a FML or a MLIA kind of day?

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