
Friday, July 23, 2010

Let's talk boobs.

My boobs...are...gigantic.

The first time I thought I was pregnant, it was because my boobs hurt, well apparently the craziness boobs have grown to be gigantic, like enormous.

I have always wanted bigger boobs, not like crazy-sized Heidi Montag boobs, but just a bit bigger...well, my wish has come true and I want to send them back. They SUCK! I can't even deal with it.


  1. I went up a cup size already & a size in the rib cage-- I forget what it's technically called. All I know is that I really hope these things do not grow any more. I will cry. Again. I'm sure in the upcoming months I will also tell Keith another million times that they will be put back and reduced the SECOND I can after we're done having kids. Gene.s are scary, btw

  2. Mine have also went up at least a cup-size and 2 around the rib cage...riDICULOUS! :( Stupid boobs. LoL
