
Monday, July 18, 2011


Today I was at the doctor's office, and I read a statistic in a magazine (I was reading O Magazine--you know how much I love my Oprah, and there was an article about breast milk donation). It said that when American women leave the hospital 74% are breastfeeding, by the time their baby is 6 months old only 12% of women are still breastfeeding.

This made me a little bit sad, because I remember how many hard times I had while breastfeeding. It was rough. I know a lot of people who had a hard time. I remember how much I wanted to quit several times.

It also makes me so proud. It's one of those times where I feel like I'm doing a good job. So...this is officially Finn's 24 weeks birthday, and I am proud. Proud of him (who started to army crawl this week), but proud of myself too. Go me.


  1. We're all proud of you! I hope when the time comes I get be just as brave and dedicated of a mom as you are, Bex. :) I'm so grateful you're my nephew's devoted mother. Love you.
