
Sunday, August 26, 2012

Well, hello again!

I'm back!  I took a much needed blogging break, but a shorter break from facebook, twitter, pinterest and instagram.  Overall, it was good and I discovered a few things.  I like blogging, and I like facebook, and I like social media; however, I need to limit who sees these things, and severely limit whose posts I see on facebook.

I know I am incredibly oversensitive, but that's who I am and so I am going to streamline (and already have a lot) what posts I see, what I don't and who I am allowing to see pictures/posts/etc.

Other than this piece of information that I know all five of you are so enthralled with, things have been great.

Finn and I had a great last few weeks of summer...we went to the zoo, to the beach, and just spent a lot of time doing so many things. The summer of Finn was a huge success!

Last week, I started my new job.  I am watching a friend's two kids three days a week. Now, like any rational human being I was a bit nervous before starting.  However, I am happy to report that I absolutely love doing this.

Randy told me that he hasn't seen me this happy in months, and I feel like all the pieces of life are just sliding into place.  I feel like not only am I having a great time with these three kids, I am being a better mother to Finn because three days out of the week, I am dedicating 100% of my time to playing with these three kids.  I'm not trying to get editing done, or run errands, or go shopping or do anything except play and be 100% present in their day.  It's awesome.  Seriously, I am really having a ton of fun. 

The only thing that I am still a bit nervous about is that I haven't done both...I decided at the end of last year that I would do the addendum position at the high school.  I don't know if this was a mistake or not.  September 7 will be our first paper, and I am going into school on Monday to meet with some people too.  I don't have any desire to do this right now, and while I want to help the program, I am wondering if it was a mistake for me.

The good news is, I have been really clear with administration that I don't know what/where I'll be next year, so after this year, if I don't like it, I don't have to do it.  We will see.

Okay, well I know this is a boring blog post, but that's what has been happening. 

I'll be back. 


  1. Not boring. I didn't know you were watching kids and I didn't know you're still doing the paper. I hope both work out well :) As you know, I did the limited on FB thing about a week prior to you, for a variety of reasons. I feel so much freer (is that a word? I should know this) on FB because I have so much more privacy. Unfriending 130 people also helped, and so did limiting who views my Violet albums and videos. I had to think of her privacy. Now, only people who are interested in watching her grow can be a part of it, so it's best for everyone. P.S. How awesome does it feel so NOT go back at the start of the school year??? :)

  2. Rachel-I am sure you know exactly how wonderful it feels to be at home on August 27th and not completely stressed! It's amazing! I think that limiting Facebook was a great idea, and I hope it helps a bit with both Violet and Finn feeling like they have some privacy! :)
