
Monday, October 1, 2012

General updates

I'm sorry I'm not the most interesting blogger as of late. 

I mean, let's be honest, I was never a terribly interesting blogger...but, lately things have been really dry.

When I say dry, what I really mean is...things are mostly great.  I have nothing to bitch and complain about...and it's WEIRD. 

So sometimes I think about what I should blog great day?  Finn? Photography?  Life?  And it all seems so damn happy and cheerful, and I'm not necessarily the most happy and cheerful person, so it seems weird and fake and dishonest in some then I just don't blog.

On that note, I will give you a brief synopsis of what's been going on lately. 

1.  I still love my job, like a ridiculous amount.  On Friday the kids were jumping on the couch after we made a fort, and I was being the monster who came to attack the fort.  After a really awesome attack (if I do say so myself), Gus gave me a hug and said "I love you Bocky" and I could have died of the cute. 

2.  Whole30...well, much like...every other diet I ever try Whole30 didn't quite turn out the way I planned.  Randy and I went to a wedding in Indianapolis...and, well, it was the first time we had spent the night away from Finn since he was born...and so we wanted to drink...a lot.  So we did, and we ate whatever we wanted, and that turned into Saturday and Sunday eating pretty much whatever.  Then we got back on track for another week, and then Friday came along and I blew it all.  It was my fault and I peer-pressured Randy to eat like crap too.  It sucked, and I feel way worse in general since starting to eat not-so-great again, but...I'm so apathetic about it.  In better news, I have done the 30 day shred for the last 4 days, so I guess that's something. 

3.  I'm pretty convinced that Finn is a genius.  I mean I know it COULD be that I'm his mother.  And it COULD be that I'm a bit biased.  He can count to ten, and yesterday he counted to 8 without any prompting.  He repeats everything, and I stopped counting the words he says months ago.  He knows a few of his colors already...and he is (normally) just the sweetest child ever.  Don't get me wrong, he has his moments where I want to ring his adorable little neck, but still...I'm pretty proud of him!

4.  I have to go to the gynecologist today.  This could be TMI for some of you, but I just thought I'd share...I am going to an actual doctor now because my midwife unexpectedly left the practice, so I'm nervous about that.  Also, I thought I had a sitter for Finn, but turns out I don' I have to bring him with...which is going to be all sorts of uncomfortable and ridiculous.  Hopefully it goes quickly, as I haven't had a pap done since Finn was born (oops). 

5.  I am (seriously) almost done Christmas shopping...and I'm hardcore happy about it.  Finn is completely done, and I have less than 10 gifts to buy...I have never been done this quickly, and I'm loving it. 

Happy October everyone! 

1 comment:

  1. I don't think it's ever boring when you write about things going well and you feeling happy.

    Diets suck and typically don't work. Yeah, there are some freak shows out there who have had success with them, but overall they do not work because they are too impractical. Unfortunately for pretty much all of us, getting into good shape and shedding extra pounds requires just really good, healthy eating habits, smaller portions, and very little crappy food, like processed, fast food, restaurant food, etc. Our culture got us too used to these things and we find it very difficult to switch and cook our own food almost all of the time with fresh, healthy ingredients.

    I got inspired to begin Christmas shopping after reading this.
