
Friday, January 11, 2013

Still around

Hi!  I am still around.  I had a good friend tell me that they missed my blog, and it made me feel really happy.  Like, REALLY happy.

I have been doing so great lately, having fun, being happy.  That sometimes I just feel like I'm boring the world, and I don't "need" this space, like I felt like I "needed" it last year during some dark times.

But, it makes me happy to keep people updated, especially if they here goes.

A few random updates.

1.  I am PREGNANT!  And so excited!  We are 14 weeks along right now, and so far, things are going well.  I have felt a lot more tired, a lot more sick this time around (in fact, I actually lost a pound at my last doctor's appointment, because eating is so annoying right now), but overall doing really well.  We can't wait to officially find out what this little one is in a few weeks, but we are feeling very boy-ish.  Mostly because at our first-trimester screening, the ultrasound tech told us that she thought it was a boy :)

2.  Christmas was amazing.  I can't even explain how much fun it was.

3.  Work and life are...just good.  Seriously, I mean I am tired a lot of the time, but overall, I am exponentially so much happier.  It's truly ridiculous.

4.  Finn is going to be two years like 2 weeks.  Isn't that crazy?  And wonderful?  And scary?  And 50,000 other things?  Yes, yes it is.  I am in the throes of party-planning, and trying not to go WAY too overboard (like I did...maybe just a little bit...last year).  Simple, fun and still classy is what we're going for...."dino-chic" lol.

5.  I just finished our "Hoyle 2012 yearbook" and one of my favorite things that I put in it was a list of the 13 coolest things about Finn this month.  They are technically from December 2012...but they are totally still relevant, I could even add more if I wanted the fact that Finn said "Get it together soup" to his soup while he was eating dinner tonight.  The kid is just awesome.

The top thirteen coolest things about Finn Harper Hoyle this month
1.  Finn is absolutely obsessed with dinosaurs.  He can identify T-rex, stegosaurus, pterodactyl, triceratops and various other dinosaurs.  He also knows that a t-rex has "sharp teeth" and "sharp eyes" and that it eats "meat" and that makes it a "carnivore".  He also thinks that it also eats "milk" which is hilariously awesome.  
2.  When he sees pictures of baby animals he says "so cute" in a high-pitched voice and gets so excited about it.  
3.  When Mommy or Daddy asks for "smoochie-poos" he gives them and says "moochie-poo."
4. When he is upset, or thinks Mommy is upset, he strokes her cheek and says "I know, I know" (pronounced "ee know ee know").  It is the cutest thing in the world.  
5.  He is literally the smartest child we know.  He knows all of his colors, counts to 10, knows various shapes and letters.  He also speaks in complete, articulate sentences.  Everyone thinks he is so smart, but Mommy and Daddy more than anyone else.  
6.  When Finn is excited about something, he clenches his fists and says "I so excited!" in a high-pitched voice.  
7.  Goes potty all by himself all the time, every single time.  
8.  Has perfected "please" and "thank you" and Mommy and Daddy don't usually have to tell him to say it.  
9.  Says "I love you Daddy" and "I love you Mommy" when the mood strikes, and responds when we tell him we love him.  He also says "Oh, good morning Mommy, good morning Daddy"in the sweetest voice you've ever heard. 
10.  His current favorite book is A Fly went by, and he knows a lot of the words, and says them with whoever is reading it to him.  
11.  Loves his family, whenever we ask him where he wants to go he will say "Papa Gma's" or "See Babanoosh & Grandpa" or "See Ava and Grant or Nay-Nay" or see "Baby Clark, Aunt Betty, Uncle Mike" or "See Ashley and Manu" or "Go see Courtney and Eli."  We love that he loves his family so much.  
12.  He can identify all the various types of cars (Big truck, dumper truck, digger, bulldozer, ambulance, fire truck, train, caboose, freight car, and so many more).  
13.  He is so excited to be a big brother!  Right now he thinks he's having a baby brother, but earlier he thought it was a baby sister.  

1 comment:

  1. Love this! So happy that you are so much happier now than a year ago. You deserve it! And I can't wait to smooch that new baby :)
