
Wednesday, March 3, 2010

94 more days

93 more days...until the end of the school year.

Normally (and, I say that with very little other experience, I've only have one other year), I get a little bit sad at the end of the year; however, this year has been long and arduous. I will be glad when it's over.

I am just so tired of being tired. I don't know what's wrong with me but I am ALWAYS tired. I feel like I may need to ask a doctor about this. I get enough sleep...almost every night. I exercise (as of late) 4-6 times a week. What is my issue?

I'm going to try to change my diet a bit to include more nutrients. I'm reading a book about how your body goes into starvation mode and that's why you gain weight/ feel sleepy. Let's give it a go.

Well, here's another update (to no one...LoL) I think we have officially changed vacation plans. Europe was going to cost us 5-8 thousand dollars. In order to not do that to ourselves, we have talked about driving to Florida for a week this summer. We could go to Universal Studios, swim with the Manatees and will be super fun.

However, in the usual fashion, Randy and I got into an argument about it ALREADY. We had talked about going to Florida with his friends Matt and Lisa. I am fine with this arrangement, as long as we don't have to be joined at the hip every second of this vacation. So, yesterday I made a ton of tentative plans--found a hotel with a two-bedroom suite, got information about a ton of things that I wanted to do, etc. Randy seemed to be all about this (mostly because this vacation will cost us less than $2000.

This morning, I said that I couldn't wait to swim with the manatees--he said, well, I'm not going swimming.

I was so upset, I just don't understand why he has to ruin everything. He has some body issues, but hell--so do I!

I just don't understand it ruining our vacation. I want to talk to him about it but I'm exceedingly angry about it as well. I guess I understand where he is coming from, but I also really want to experience these things WITH him! These are once-in-a-lifetime experiences and I think he'll regret it later.

This is another one of those times when I wish someone was listening/reading so they could give me some advice about it.

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