
Thursday, October 13, 2011

This will be over too soon.

A lot of my friends have been posting recently about their babies sleeping through the night lately, and it was starting to get to me. Not in an, "I wish their babies wouldn't sleep" way; but, in a "what am I doing wrong?" kind of way.

So, on Tuesday night Randy went to a dinner for work, and Finn and I were on our own. I put him down to sleep (in our bed...I know, he STILL sleeps in our bed, and I don't care) around 8:15 and spent some time editing pictures and taking a shower. It has not been a good week for sleeping, so I crawled into bed around 9:00 and by 9:15 my little one had plastered his entire body against me.

I felt his breathing, and listed to him for a few minutes. For a split second, I thought "here's to another great night's sleep" (sarcastically, in case it wasn't obvious).

Then, it happened, he sighed and smiled in his sleep, and his sweet little arm moved, and his soft skin brushed against mine. I thought, ' this will be over too soon.' There will come a time where he will want to be away from me--when he won't even let me hug him, let alone rub his back, pat his little tush, or kiss him all over...and I"ll miss it so much more than I can even imagine.

So I snuggled close to my angel, and sighed...and smiled right along with him; and I fell right to sleep. It wasn't a great night's sleep, it wasn't even good, but I can tell you, I wasn't complaining.


  1. This post made me super happy! I miss my cuddle time with Kate. I wish Keith was ok with her sleeping with us. I'm just glad that with her sleeping through the night my mood/depression has gotten much, much better.
    You're totally right, though. Kate is growing up so fast. She's in the transition between baby and little person and a part of me wishes she'd stay little for quite a while longer. I love the faces she makes, her happiness, her silly-ness, and I want to stay in my little baby bubble with her for as long as I can.
    You've mentioned to me a couple times that you're a hippie and while we have polar opposite views politically (I think) we're on the same hippie page when it comes to parenting.

  2. awwww! becky you will have no regrets when he's are cherishing every second with him! you are such an amazing mommy! oh...and don't feel bad...danielle sleeps through the night about half the time but when she does one of the boys wakes up with a nightmare or for a drink or thinking that they want to be up for the day at 2am....danielle gets up a lot of the time too still...and as hard as it is i go and rock her and feed her and try to take in every second because it won't be long, like you said when she's grown up
