
Thursday, May 17, 2012

The puke heard round the world...

Listen, if you can't deal with should stop reading this.  Because it's TMI "mommy-style".

Yesterday night Finn and I were especially tired.  We actually snuggled and fell asleep on the couch at 8:15, and I got up and moved to the bed at 8:30 to wait for Randy to get home.  Well we apparently fell asleep and were out long before that.  It's a good thing we went to sleep 1:00 am Finn woke up vomiting.  A lot.

It was disgusting.  A lot. 

This happened about every half hour from 1-5.  It was awesome.  I called off work around 2:45 am.  Have I mentioned that Finn has been sick so much this year that I have no sick days left?  Do you know how many sick days teachers get?  A LOT!  And I have used all of mine, plus more.  Geez kid, give me a break.

So, I have been lucky enough to not have to deal with the puking much.  Finn wasn't a very spitty baby, and he didn't spit up a lot.  He's only actually vomited one other time.  I did not handle it well.  The first time it happened he threw up all over the bed, and all over me.  Randy had to change the sheets while I brought him into the bathroom and stripped him and myself down.  Then we covered the bed with towels, which had to be changed out every half hour for the rest of the night. 

He woke up a bit better, and only vomited once more around 8 am.  He then took a long nap from 9:30-12...that is absolutely unheard of for him. 

While he napped I cleaned up the vomit.  Seriously...our entire house smelled like vomit...and I'm pretty sure that 12 hours later it is gone.  The smell at least. 

I hate vomit.  Like I would totally choose poopy diapers over vomit.  Vomit only makes me want to vomit.  

It just really sicks me out. 

And it made me sad, because I had to cancel a photo shoot.  I have been trying extremely hard to get the photography business going this year.  Randy and I have invested literally thousands of dollars into new equipment and software.  We have invested hundreds of dollars into education (workshops, etc.)...and I have been reading, and trying new things with poses and learning what works for me--refining my style as a photographer.  Not to mention that I have been shooting A LOT.  Taking a lot of time away from Finn, doing hours and hours of editing for each session that I shoot. 

It makes me feel awful to let down a client.  A client who could refer other clients to us, and I let someone down.  I know how upsetting that would be to me if I had a photo shoot scheduled.  And it feels like I had to take a step back today because of it. 

I'm super glad that Finn is feeling better, because there is nothing worse than being powerless to help your little one.  So overall, pukefest is getting better. 

Did I mention that there are 10 school days left this year?  OMG I cannot wait.

1 comment:

  1. I am so sorry about Finn! Vomit is seriously my least favorite thing in the world- so much in fact that I have not vomited myself since I was 16 because it grosses me out so much. When we decided to have kids, one of the thoughts that came to mind right away was, "Are you sure you want to do this? Because you will inevitably have to clean up puke at some point." I guess you know what my answer was since I now have Tenley, but I am dreading the type of situation that you are in. Regardless, I just really hope that the worst is behind you and that he feels better and that you stay well. I also hope that tonight is better for you!
