
Monday, May 24, 2010


Yesterday was a very lazy day. I watched a Jersey Shore marathon all day (while interspersing some cleaning and various other chores), and then the amazingly wonderful Lost series (and season) finale was on! It was a pretty good day.

At one point, I went outside to talk to Randy and to play with the dogs. While I was outside, I saw this beautiful butterfly. It was all black, with a red stripe on the top of it's wings. I immediately thought to myself "My dad would love that!" and told Randy to "Look at how beautiful it is!"

Randy and I continued to talk, and I continued to look at the butterfly, within the next few moments something pretty cool happened. It landed on my toe. That has NEVER happened to me before. Now, my dad really loves butterflies, he used to collect ones, and pin them himself. I even once bought him a few (that the vendor assured me had died of natural causes). When a butterfly lands on you, it means that you have good luck. I am really hoping for some good luck! :)

I just thought it was really cool!

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