
Friday, May 7, 2010

I love my, I'm not being sarcastic.

Now, don't get me wrong. I don't jump out of bed every morning screaming and yelling, "I can't wait to go to work!" In fact, it's more like "FML-why do I have to do anything, ever!? Why can't I just lie here in bed with my doggies and watch Saved By the Bell and play Mario all day long? WHY!?" However, I don't necessarily dread going to work (once I'm actually awake) each morning either. Once I get to school, I am not sad to be all. In fact, lots of days I look forward to what I am teaching and how the kids will react.

For example, yesterday was a day that I was dreading (a bit), the yearbook kids were going to stay after (for an undetermined amount of time) to finish their pages that are (nothing like waiting until the last minute, right? My advice for all you teachers and non-teachers alike...get used to procrastination, it appears to be a way of life for today's youth). So, I went to school in a slightly crabby mood. However, it is time for my freshman to do Romeo and Juliet, AKA the BEST 9 weeks of the school year--there's crafts, dancing, plays, is (seriously) awesome. We are in the midst of doing our progressive play (meaning that of the 4 English 9 teachers--each teacher gets a scene and we perform them in order on different days). This is, by far, my favorite thing to do ALL YEAR. The kids LOVE it (I've never had a 9th grader say that anything BUT the play was their favorite part of the year), I LOVE it, we get to perform a Shakespearean dance, and act out the scene where Romeo and Juliet meet. In my eyes, it can't get any better than that. This is the moment of the year where I (hopefully) open my student's eyes to how wonderful Shakespeare is (or can be). It's why on their end-of-year survey's for my class when I ask them "What should we do more of?" 30-50% write--"Read more Shakespeare!" And it warms my heart.

Whoa, I went a bit off topic there, but freshman (14 and 15 year old's--general kids) memorizing, performing and really acting out this scene, and pretty convincingly, are so awesome, that it makes my day better every time we practice the scene.

To make matters even yearbook kids were here from 3-8 and they finished an immense amount of work. They finished 2 of the 3 sections that are due today (and are, as we speak, diligently finishing the 3rd section). These are kids that have not had any sense of structure for 2 years. Their old adviser did not even put deadlines on these kids. In one year, they have managed to pull together the 2009 book and have it in the student's hands before Christmas (even though not ONE page had been ready on the first day of the school year), as well as finish about 75% of their book my today, May 7th. I am so proud of them, and happy that we were able to pull this off.

Looking into the future, I really have some difficult decisions to make. Am I comfortable where I am? Is that why I'm hesitant to leave? OR is it just that I'm happy where I am, and want to build a program here, a place that I've come to love?

So much confusion, so little time!

On another note...I slept REALLY badly last night. I woke up in the middle of the night with a leg cramp, which are the WORST thing on the planet to have. Like writhing and screaming in pain. So, that was fun and I woke up both myself and Randy being a crazy person. Then, there was a thunderstorm, which is fine by me; however, Ella is NOT a fan of thunderstorms. So, she cries and shakes and is just terrified the ENTIRE rest of the night. Then, I had a dream about my car's breaks going out while Ashley and I were driving to the mall, how scary is that? All of this was followed by my crazy dogs refusing to go out this morning, because they are so prissy and can't deal with the rain. What that means for ME, is that I get to go out and stand in the rain with them and wait for them to go the bathroom, while blocking the door. My dogs are SO spoiled, it is genuinely ridiculous.

I have writers-ADD today, so I'm just gonna go with it, but I'm excited to go to the mall with Chrisanne tonight, and excited for the weekend! :) This will be my second weekend full of parties/events on Atkins and I feel much more ready to deal with it and I am EIGHT pounds down as of this morning, so I'm feeling awesome and looking forward to more positive results! :)


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