
Thursday, May 13, 2010

Seriously? FML!

So, I've mentioned my dog, Oliver, before. He has had a rough time in the 10 or so months that we have had him--pneumonia, severe pain (cause CONTINUES to be unknown), and now he is having a new, and ever-more disgusting problem.

Yesterday I noticed that one section of his hair was really hard, like water or something had got on it and hardened it. I told Randy and him and I went to a movie, when we returned we decided to investigate what this was. Well, Randy got a bowl of water to wash him, and as he was washing him, large chunks of Oliver's hair started to fall out. Beneath the hair was a large, pink, pus-filled wound. It looked like someone had burned him with something on an area that had a diameter of about 1.5 inches on his back. WTF?? It was so, I have a pretty strong stomach and I needed to leave the room so that I didn't vomit. It doesn't seem to be particularly painful, but it looks absolutely disgusting.

So, once again I need to call the vet and beg them to take us tonight, in order to spend who knows how much money to figure out wtf this is.

So, the question of the day--where do we draw the line here? When do we say enough is enough with the money. He is still on 6 pills per day (4 prednizone and 2 antibiotics), he is constantly in pain (though not every day), I just don't know what the hell to do about him. It's so ridiculous. I don't understand why things like this happen to Randy and I--we try to do the right thing, adopt a dog from the humane society, get an adult dog--not go to some puppy mill or other ridiculous place where you have no idea where they come from and pay their torturers to breed more mistreated, sick dogs. This is our reward apparently...nice, huh?

I'm pissed and I don't know what to do.
That is all.

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