
Wednesday, May 12, 2010

"I knew who you were when I married you"

These words came out of my husband's mouth yesterday evening. And let me tell you why...I have OCD, seriously, like I really do.

Now, my OCD has gotten much better in all my years, but Randy (as usual) has to deal with the brunt of my idiosyncrasies.

Here's how yesterday went down. Randy called me around 3:40, right around the time that I was just leaving school. I'm always happy/excited when Randy calls me right after school (which is almost every day). I know that's lame, but I always want to talk to him.

Randy: "Hi! Want to go see Iron Man II tonight?"
Me: "What? Tomorrow is date night, why aren't we going then, like we planned?"
Randy: "I have to go to this dinner for work, but then do you want to go right after?"
Me: (while my anxiety is rising, rising, rising...but I know this is a movie that he really wants to see) Uuuhhhh....I guess.
Randy: "Okay, look up the times."
Me: "Okay."

We get off the phone and I look up the times, I'm feeling anxious about the situation already I'm thinking the following: how am I going to get home, let the dogs out, eat dinner, straighten up, and anything else I need/want to do and go see a movie...why does he have to change things around all the time? We had a plan for tomorrow. I have everything all cleared for tomorrow. Wait, what's going on tonight? I'm excited about something...LOST IS ON! Oh...(as I fumble for my phone)

Me: "Hey, we can't go see Iron Man tonight."
Randy: "Why? I really want to go."
Me: "I have to be home for Lost and if I miss one second of it I'm going to jump off a bridge because I'll never understand the show again."
Randy: "I really want to go, can't you get your dad to tape it for you?"
Me: (again the anxiety is building as I'm thinking, "He can tape it, but then I'll have to go over there tonight and watch it, and then I'll go to bed late, which could mean that I could wake up late...and on and on and on). Well, uuuhhhh...I guess. I'll call Ashley.

Hang up phone, call Ashley.

Ashley: "Hey"
Me: "HEY! Do you know how to DVR something?"
Ashley: "No, but dad can."
Me: "Ineedtowatchlostbut randydoesn'tunderstand. Why oh why can't we go see Iron Man II tomorrow, why does he have to do this to me at the last minute?"
Ashley: "Just come and watch it afterwards.
Me: Icantihavetobeawakeforschooltomorrow. I DON'T WANT TO GO! Make sure dad tapes it and that he starts the tape BEFORE 8 and ends it AFTER 9, because if-I-miss-a-single SECOND of it I'll die.
Ashley: Okay, I'll tell him (did I mention that Ashley got her wisdom teeth out yesterday and can hardly speak?)

Hang up with Ashley.

Me: Hey, we can go...I guess.
Randy: WHat's wrong
Me: I just really want to watch Lost
Randy: We can watch Lost after
Me: It will be so late.
Randy: Okay, well we can go tomorrow if you would rather go tomorrow, I just thought it'd be nice to do something tonight.
Me: (elated!) Okay!!

Hang up with Randy, get happy again. Meanwhile, Randy comes home and then I call Ashley

Me: Hey, dad doesn't have to tape Lost
Ashley: You threw a big enough fit that he doesn't want to go anymore?
Me: Pretty much.

Hang up with Ashley, look over at Randy, who is laughing and smiling about what Ashley said.

Me: I'm sorry. Are you mad at me.
Randy: No, I knew who you were when I married you.

Strangely, this did not upset me, or hurt my feelings, but made me feel incredibly happy. Randy and I have been together approximately 1000 years (or 10), and through everything we have tried to really know and understand each other. Randy knows me, and he loves me for who I am--flaws and all. That is a very happy thought.

I know this post is long and pointless, but that's what I'm thinking about.