
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

My growing belly, and shrinking patience...

Okay guys--this is me now, like 2 days ago (17 weeks; 4 days). GOODNESS! :) Little man is growing like crazy :) I also look REALLY tired (what the heck!)
This is me at around 10 weeks, nothing too much, but a little baby bump :)
This is me around 5 or 6 weeks, hardly anything :) I don't know what sort of face I am making...

So, I have told some other people that I would post pictures of "the belly." As of right now I only have a series of three pictures. They are 5 weeks (pre-showing), 10 weeks, and 17 weeks. Today, I am 18 weeks and I am HUGE! Seriously, like you'd have to be pretty slow to not know that I am preggo.

With my growing belly, has come yet another side effect...shrinking patience. Honestly, I am so mean. I'm mean to students (moreso than usual), I am mean to family, I have no patience at all.

Today I had to call AT & T, because they made a mistake on our bill. I seriously BLEW UP at the AT&T people and screamed at them. Just come on--GET IT RIGHT PEOPLE!!

Here's another realization I came to (I know people, one blog--one idea, but it's my blog dammit and I'll write what I want). Today, as I was watching Say yes to the Dress, I started thinking about motherhood. I have always had a strained relationship with my mom, and I think that in my head the way to "make up" for this, was to have a baby girl, and to have this fabulous Lorelai and Rory Gilmore-type relationship. So, there was this expectation about having a girl, Randy and I both kind of "expected" a girl. However, when I found out that our little man was, in fact, a boy. There was no type of disappointment (except for the fact that a little part of me hoped that it was TWINS-a boy and a girl! LoL), rather there was this new and complete sense of excitement. We bought him some clothes and some others have gotten him gifts (Jenn, Betty, my parents, Randy's parents), and yesterday...the most exciting thing of ALL...I felt him move. All of these things make me absolutely ecstatic to have our little boy. I'm in love with him already! :)

Feeling him move was so cool, Randy was sitting there ranting and raving about something that happened at work and he moved...once, twice, three times. He was either saying "daddy-stop yelling!" or "Heck yeah daddy-you tell them!" LoL.


Seriously overwhelming.

Love him.


  1. Becky you look GREAT! That whole pregnancy glow is true! I'm glad you posted baby bump pictures! I LOVE baby bump pictures!
    I also have ZERO patience. Keith used to tell me I shouldn't be so nice to people and now he just kind of looks at me like, "where is my wife?!" I figure my crying, sappy moments cancel out my bitchy ones.
    I cannot wait until I get to feel our baby move! Or find out what we're having. The Chinese baby gender predictor calendar says we're having a girl, but we're hoping for a boy. I am going to try to follow the precedent you and Jenn have set and have a boy, too! We have a name for a boy picked out already, too, but are completely lost for a girl's name.
    Did you forget you were pregnant at times before you started showing? Maybe even forget isn't the right word... maybe disbelief? I obviously think about my baby a lot throughout the day-- my whole life has already been rearranged from being pregnant-- but I still find it hard to believe there is a tiny human being growing in me. It completely amazes me.
    My mom and I have also had a less than stellar relationship (it did get *much* better after high school) and though we're not very close I find that asking her a lot of questions about her pregnancy with the 3 of us has helped bridge the gap. It's nice. I suppose I'm still being guarded about it, though.
    I love your blog, by the way. I am full of love today. I was also a Becky's blog whore today and posted about 20 comments on your posts. Hope you don't mind!

  2. Lee- I LOVE that you posted on here 20 times! I love looking at comments.

    - Just for the record, the chinese baby calendar told me that we were having a girl, and we're not! LoL. We would have been super psyched for either.

    I miss you! :)
