
Saturday, February 26, 2011

Do you ever feel like "all I ever talk about is my boobs?" Just me?

Yep, there is even MORE to this story. Can you even believe it? Good news--it IS getting better (pain-wise at least).

So, after the ultrasound/mammogram debacle, they put me on a different antibiotic for my crazy nipple that was basically falling off (I kind of wish I could post a picture of it, but I won't because that's weird...but I do have one). The good news, the green poop that Finn was having appears to have been due to antibiotic #1, because it is gone now and is back to yellow (BONUS!).

Bad news, because of the two infections that I have had in the past few weeks, my oversupply has suddenly turned into UNDER-supply. My sweet little boy has lost about 3.5 oz. This makes me really sad and really upset. He looks hungry all the time, and it makes me go a little bit crazy...honestly, I don't know if he's really hungry or not, because he calms down. It could be gas, it could be 1,000 other things...but, in my mind...he is hungry all the time.

So, now I am taking two supplements (Blessed Thistle and Fenugreek) to increase my milk supply. That's right the milk supply that caused several clogged ducts, two infections, and the crazy day when they thought I had an absess...that milk supply is now depleted to an under-supply. FML.

We are trying really hard to up my supply now, pumping and supplements and such. I haven't had to give him any formula...yet. I really hope I don't have to. We have another appointment on Monday, and then his 1 month doctor's appointment on Tuesday. So, that will determine what we do from there.

Honestly, I almost think that this is worse than the excruciating pain of the sore nipples and breast infections, because those didn't affect my little one. This does, and it's bullshit.

Hopefully, we will start to see some weight gain by Monday, and then he will keep gaining weight and we will finally be on the same page. (PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!)

If not, I really think we might have to supplement formula...and that will suck, but it'll be okay. Hopefully, if we have to do that, we can still do formula along with breastmilk and eventually I'll have enough milk for him.

Stupid boobs. Make up your damn mind.

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe Finn is going to be a month old already! I am sorry that your boobs are not cooperating, but just know that you are doing everything possible to make things better and no one can ask you do do any more than that. Everything will be OK and Finn is a healthy little guy who will grow just fine. Hang in there and I hope to see you this week some time- I miss you!
