
Monday, February 28, 2011

Cautiously Optimistic...

If you're wondering if this post is going to be about my is.

I am thinking I should re-name this blog, Becky's Boobs...or Tales of my ta-tas or something equally as quippy and witty.

Anyways. Back to business. I saw my best friend again today (the lactation consultant). If I haven't told you before (I have. I know it.)--she's awesome. I had a mini-breakdown after the last time I was there because my precious boy had lost 3.5 ounces, which made me have a heart attack (in my mind).

So, Randy and I spent the weekend pretty scared. I don't know that there is anything more terrifying than not knowing whether you are feeding your child enough. AND my boobs can't make up their minds about whether they want to produce (1) too much milk or (2) too little milk. Hey boobs--MAKE UP YOUR MIND!

So, we (Finn & I) made our way back to the lactation consultant (I feel like I should tell you her name, since we're best friends and all, and I talk about her more than I talk about my own's Lavawn). I got Finn undressed, had another mini-heart attack (in my mind) and put him on the scale--he was (drumroll please...) 9 lb 9 oz (between 9-10 oz). That means he gained 4 ounces over the course of the weekend, which is exactly what he is supposed to gain...YES!!!!!!!!

As far as my boobs go, I still have a slightly clogged duct in old lefty that we're hoping clears itself up, I still have a few more days of antibiotic, and I am still hoping that I can continue pumping enough for him when I go back to work next week. We shall see.

So, it is still challenging, but I feel like I am starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Jorie says that things get easier around 6 weeks, that's only 2 more weeks, and it is definitely getting better. Keep your fingers crossed that it CONTINUES to get better.

1 comment:

  1. I haven't been able to read your blog for like 2 weeks, but I am so glad you're updating. It helps me so much to read it. You're funny and it helps put things in perspective. It also helps to know I'm not neurotic and worry about my baby as much as you do. Thank you for blogging!
