
Friday, February 18, 2011

Seriously... is awful.

Finn cried all through the night last night. I only slept from 3-7, that's the only sleep I've gotten the last 24 hours.

Breastfeeding sucks...I legitimately hate it. I have oversupply, or so the lactation consultant says. I am not sold on it, because my little man seems to be hungry right after eating. So, I'm supposed to be feeding him every 3 hours, which worked fabulously the first day, and horrendously today. I also had to pump today, and I was only able to pump about 1.5 ounces, which means that I need to call and ask about that. Life sucks.

Randy is sick. He has strep throat. That. sucks. It means that I was looking forward to some help tonight, and I will not get any. Randy will not touch the baby for the next 24 hours, at least. Seriously, I could cry just thinking about it.

This is rough. I just want to know if I am feeding him enough. Is he fussy because he's hungry? Or because he's gassy? What the hell is going on.

Did I mention I hate...with a passion...breastfeeding. It's way too hard and confusing.


  1. Let me know if you need me to come over and help with ANYTHING! Cleaning, changing, whatever. Love you guys. Sorry it's so hard right now.

  2. I will say one thing about breastfeeding that has saved a few of my girlfriends....THE FIRST THREE WEEKS SUCK!!!!!!!!!! Like big time suck, like cry everyday suck....and then the next three weeks after that are marginal, and then you hit six weeks and it all clicks for both of you. I think people need to be more honest about how challenging it is, I think more would stick with it then, if you knew there was an end in sight. It is front loading all the work, bottle feeding is easier in the beginning, no doubt about it, but once you get the hang of it breastfeeding is easier. Also just take one feeding at a time, do not think about anything but that feeding, do not let your mind go to that place of, oh my god how am I going to do this for one more week, let alone one full year. That is dangerous!!! Stick with it, and the pay off will be huge, you will be nursing while multitasking in no time!
