Sidebar: I am NOT in any way complaining about being pregnant. In fact, it really bothers me when people complain about gaining weight, their bodies, or pregnancy in general. Pregnancy is a blessing (especially when you are actively trying to get pregnant) and people should be ecstatic when they are carrying healthy, precious babies in their bellies. I have a friend that has been trying to get pregnant for FOUR years, and she would be a FANTASTIC mother. I know that she wouldn't complain about "feeling fat" or "being crabby" when she gets pregnant. And anyone out there who is wondering...I would keep "The flab" forever if it meant I got to keep my little guy. He is amazing. Just to prove it...I will provide you with a photo.
Now, let me preface this by saying that I was not your typical pregnant woman. I was not like "I need to eat healthy throughout my entire pregnancy"...sure, I felt like that for the first, I wanna say, 3-4 months. THEN, the cravings (Or just the thought process that was like "I'm gonna eat whatever the hell I want...WHENEVER the hell I want") took over. IT. WAS. AWESOME! Seriously, I would be like "I want 2 entire chocolate bars (or 5 whatever...), I'm pregnant!"
This was great during my pregnancy, honestly, it was awesome. I loved me some cheese fries, movie popcorn, Sprite, Salt and Vinegar Chips, ice cream...and 10,000 other things. But, I don't think my body loved it as much as I did. In fact, I know it didn't. How do I know this (you may be wondering)? Because I have this FLABBY gut now as a reminder of the chocolate bars (mmm...chocolate bars), cheese fries, cheeseburgers, chips, and other delicious goodness. The flab is NOT delicious. It is also NOT good. It is disgusting. I went back and forth about whether I should take a picture of it and post it. It went a little something like this...
Becky #1: You should post a picture of the flab.
Becky #2: Umm....what? You haven't even let Randy see the flab in real light. It's nasty.
1: C'mon it's a part of the process
2: You're an idiot.
1: How about a front view?
2: Have you seen the front view? Because I have, and it is NOT good.
1: Side view?
2: Even worse.
1: Well you need to post are interesting.
2: Okay...I'll go with a close up of the millions of nasty stretch marks that adorn my belly.
1: Sold.
So anyways, back to the flab. It's really gross. It is like a pooch in front of my stomach. I had to go buy new pants, because my flabby tummy won't fit into the old ones. Well, they fit...I mean they zip up, but the flab overflows over the top into a muffin top like you have never seen before in your life. It's CRAZY disgusting. So, I had to buy pants, and the size that I had to buy seriously slips off without unbuttoning it, but I needed them because of the flab.
It's my fault. Those chocolate bars and cheese fries are taunting me. But, let's be honest, I was still eating them after Finn came out. AND, let's be honest, I didn't really get serious about getting into shape until I was 6 weeks out...maybe. AND, let's be honest, I didn't REALLY get serious until I started weight watchers...and then I didn't really do a whole lot, and lost 4.3 pounds, so I continued not doing a whole lot, and I gained...2.4, and so I really started to get better (a little bit), and this week I lost 2.1. And, this week I've really started working out, and eating more healthy. order to be accountable to all 6 of you that read this...I lost 2.1 pounds this week.
And PLEASE believe me when I tell you...he was worth the flab, and the stretch marks, and all the other bad stuff. Totally, completely, unequivocally WORTH IT.
Nice work! On the weight loss AND the perfect baby. I know I will not understand for a good 5-10 years what it is like to be a new mom, but I still feel like I have the authority to tell you that you are an awesome mom and you should not feel bad about not having time/energy to focus on getting in gear until six weeks. What matters is that you are doing the best you can today and you will do it tomorrow and the day after that too. I am proud of you!
ReplyDeleteI love this post and I am probably going to be right there with you. I can't remember the last time I questioned ANYTHING I ate- it just goes right down the hatch. I am still convinced that baby girl is going to come out in a sugar coma. :( Great job on the weight loss and hopefully we can be workout buddies again one day soon! See you in a couple hours :)