
Friday, April 22, 2011

The Kind of House I want to have...

I'm always reading, and watching. I read...way too many blogs...every day. I read what people write about their lives. I check facebook continuously, I look at the pictures and the videos that people post of their children, of their families. They are always inspiring and they challenge me to think about what kind of world do I want to create for my child, for my future (hopefully) children. How do I want them to remember their childhood? How can I facilitate that?

When I look back at my early childhood, my life was filled with fun, games, food, friends and family. I had 3 siblings, which was awesome. My house was always one of the places that people gathered (when we were small, when we were teenagers it was a different story), so I remember all my cousins being at my house, all my friends always wanting to come over because we had a pool, a swing-set and an awesome clubhouse. My mom always made Rice Krispy treats and kool-aid for us when we got out of the pool. I remember vacations, parties, birthdays and holidays being the highlights of my childhood. I want to create that atmosphere for Finn.

Sure there were fights, there was teasing, there were bad times, but when I think back most of the bad things disappear and I remember happiness, laughter and fun in my house.

I want the holidays to be magical for Finn, I want his birthday to be the best day of the year, I want life to be full of baking, messes, books, toys, imagination and magic for him (and for any future little Hoyles). I hope that I can make this happen for him, he deserves beautiful, happy memories.


  1. Becky, did you write that you want life to be full of messes? :)
    Love this post!

  2. I TOTALLY agree. I always say if I could stay in never land with my kids forever I would!:) that's not life, but I wholeheartedly agree it should be for them for as long as it can...and it our job to make that happen!:)

  3. Lee- I sure did :) How times change! Jor-it was after watching the video Marge made of your kids that made me think of this-your house looks like it is so much fun for your kids! You're doing a great job making life fun and magical for them!
