
Monday, September 20, 2010

Little Man

This one is his little face with his hands next to it. This is how he was lying for his first ultrasound too! :)

We had another ultrasound on Friday, which was fabulous. Our little man is doing really well. He is about 14 oz, which is right where he should be (they said between 12-16 ounces, so he's right in the middle). They said that he looks healthy and everything looks good. He is also officially a boy :) We are so happy and excited for him. He's also moving all around the town lately, the ultrasound technician commented several times on what a crazy little man he was moving all around! I love it though, I just want him to be safe and happy.

Little buddy also went to his first concert on Friday--Dave Matthews Band, I think he had fun, he was moving around in the beginning. :) It was cool to go to a concert with him, I don't even know why--it was just neat.

The weekend was so great, and today was really hard because there's not a lot to look forward to in the next few months, I had a really rough day. The best thing about bad days lately, is even when they are bad...I know that I still have this little miracle growing in me, and it always makes everything better.


  1. I think your baby has dancing feet like his mommy and daddy. Maybe he's trying to swing dance, too? It's super cute lil guy was excited about Dave, too!
    I'm going to baby's first concert on the 1st. It's Carrie Underwood. Nowhere near as cool as Dave, but at least she has a good voice. Baby is also going to the air show that weekend. It will be a busy weekend (I'm already trying to figure out when I can nap).
    I went to my friend's house today to hold her almost 3 week old baby so she could walk the dog and clean the house. I got to feed her and it was crazy to think I will be doing that for my own child in less than 6 months. I'd like to think that even after baby is born that when I have a bad day all I'll have to do is look at his/her face to make everything better :)

  2. Lee-

    That's exciting about Carrie Underwood! She's awesome, but you are right--no where near as cool as Dave. It's so weird how different everything feels, it's like everything you do is new and different because he (or he/she in your case) is "with" you. LoL.

    It's silly.

    Miss you Lee! :)

    Hey did you get a new number? When you sent me the ultrasound picture, I was pretty sure it was you, but I didn't really know. Was it from your number, or Keith's?


  3. I can only imagine how hard it will be the first time I have to leave baby with someone and go do something by myself. After carrying him/her around for 40 weeks I think I'll feel lost without him/her* close to me!

    * I cannot WAIT to start referring to him/her as actually a him or a her. My appointment on the 29th cannot come soon enough!

    That was from Keith's phone. I have no idea how/when he got your number, so I was surprised when I saw that he had already sent ultrasound pictures to you and Jenn.
