
Thursday, September 23, 2010

What is it about pregnancy...

That makes people think they can give you their opinion about everything? Seriously, people are so incredibly rude.

- Today I went to have a meeting with one of the insurance people at school. A man began to talk to me (which is what seems to always happen to me), he started to tell me about how his daughter just had a baby, and then proceeded to tell me all about how she took Spanish all through high school and worked on her Uncle's farm and would translate what the Hispanic people who worked there said about him to her Uncle, and how when the people tried to speak to her in Spanish--she refused and said "We are in America--we speak English here." Now, I tend to agree with this line of thinking; however, I don't necessarily want to talk about it with some hilljack. Then he went on to tell me all about how when he traveled to Mexico, they wouldn't speak English to him. I replied "Well, probably for the same reason you just said--you're in their country at that point--they want you to speak their language." To which he haughtily replied, "Well, I think if I'm a tourist I shouldn't have to." I was like "Ugly American--Party of One" C'mon man! How can you be so ignorant?

- Also, what is it about pregnancy, that makes people think that you agree with them? Let me give you a hint--you don't know my feelings about: breastfeeding, drug use during labor, strollers, bottles, or anything else. Let me tell you this--if I want to breastfeed (which I do) it's my OWN damn business. It's none of yours. I have read the research on it, probably more than you have, I got it. Don't judge people who choose not to breastfeed--it's NONE of your damn business what they do.
- This same thing applies to about we go by this rule, when something the size of a watermelon is coming out of YOUR vagina, I'll give you the opportunity to decide if you want to use drugs...and I promise that I will not judge you no matter what you decide. How about you afford me the same damn respect. I don't want to hear your preaching about what I should/should not do. You wanna know why? Because there are only two people, and really only one, whose opinions matter on this--me and Randy. That's it. None of your business what I do with my vagina. Thanks for offering your heartfelt "advice" though.

Geez. People are so rude.


  1. Hey! So... I decided I will probably start a blog, but just haven't done it. I have a book I'm supposed to be writing my stories in, but I haven't don't that yet, either.
    Anyway, I got all kinds of advice from people I know. I don't mind them-- It's the people I have never met before that give me advice that bother me. Yesterday some girl who must've been in her early 20's who has a 7 year old was trying to give me all kinds of advice. Then also mentioned that her child has fallen down the stairs 3 times. AND claimed her daughter is smart. WTF, really?

    Are you going to take drugs with labor? I don't want to, but Keith says I won't make it without them (which really pisses me off that he doesn't believe me). I figure if my siblings were born at home I can do it without drugs, too. All my friends who've recently had babies said I won't do it, either. Which kind of makes me more determined to actually do it. :) I'm kind of stubborn I guess.

  2. I haven't decided yet, randy and I have both said (when we are talking about our birth plan) that we are going to see how it goes. If I think I can do it without, then I'll try. If I feel the pain and think that I need an epidural, i will do that too and I won't feel any shame about it! I've never done this before, so I don't know how it'll go :).
    So, I don't mind advice...what o mind is ignorant fools who think that their way is the only way to do something...goodness! Lmk when u start ur blog, I have a book, a baby book started and this- so he is well covered on being documented! Lol you know how I am

    I don't
