
Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Flu shots, breastfeeding, birth plans, bumps and burgers

All of the following things have been on my mind a lot lately.

Flu shots: I have never gotten a flu shot before, so I thought maybe I didn't need one. I seriously thought about this for weeks, and maybe months. So, after several people telling me stories about how important flu shots are, and how they protect the baby even after delivery, I decided to get one. I was just going to go to Walgreens, but Randy wasn't comfortable with that. I went to the doctor's office to get one, and I sat in the waiting room seriously FREAKING out about getting a shot, and/or getting sick after I got the shot. After I got it, I was so freaked out about it, that I got light-headed on the way home, and I had to pull over and lay back. So, that decision is made, I hope it was the right one...but it's done.

Breastfeeding: Randy and I went to a breastfeeding class, and ever since I am completely obsessed with learning more about it, and getting more and more anxious about whether or not I will be able to do it. Some women are apparently not able to produce enough milk, and there are about 100 other things that could go wrong. I really want to make sure that I am able to breastfeed for as long as possible, so I just am really concerned about it. I bought a book about it, Randy and I have talked about it hours, and I just can't get it out of my head.

Birth plans: there are like six THOUSAND things to think about when it comes to birth plans. There are certain things that Randy has to be "in charge" of, which stresses me out, and there are several things that I don't want to be screwed up. I wish that I could have a conversation with God, and just ask him "what's going to happen?" I am okay with everything, but I'd like to know what is going to happen, so I can mentally prepare myself. Now, I am not insane (yet!) and I know that's not going to happen. I just have a problem with not being able to control every aspect of the situation, and I want to be as prepared as possible. So, there's been a lot of stress in thinking about how I am going to deal with all of this.

Bumps: this one is two-fold. First, I am constantly being asked "Are you having twins?" and so I am getting a bit self-conscious about the size of my "bump". This is silly, I know, and I am happy that my little man is growing big and strong and healthy, but I am also scared about how he is going to grow 3 times the size he is in my stomach in the next three months. I just don't see how that is going to happen. And, I think that everyone I tell that fear to, laughs at me. I know it may seem silly, but it is REALLY scary to me--silly or not.

Burgers: Apparently, my baby really likes hamburgers. I have legitimately not had a hamburger, in probably 15 years...but, I have a confession. I have had two. That's right. I have been so good about only have my organic, cruelty-free chicken. However, I just absolutely could not resist...twice. Geez, I have some pretty bad guilt about it, but I am not going to make myself all upset about it, because from what I have read--what I crave, is what the baby needs. And, I can't help it. Judge me if you will :(


  1. My Thoughts:

    Flu Shots- I am waffling about this one. I think I need to make a good decision SOON

    Breastfeeding: I have the same fears and am hoping that I can do it as well. My doctor just talked to me today about taking a class and I am all about that in the next couple of months.

    Birth Plans: I totally feel you about not feeling comfortable with having your hubby in charge of stuff. John can't remember his wallet or his cell phone on a daily basis- how can he be trusted with something as big as this? It's a good thing that the baby comes out of me. I would be scared if it didn't.

    Bumps: I don't think your fears are irrational or silly. No one knows what you are experiencing but you and for anyone but you to have an opinion about it is absurd. I think you look great and that baby boy is just taking some room to grow. The next three months will be interesting, but the end result will be perfection.

    Burgers: Even the president of PETA would have eaten that burger yesterday, it was that good. You can be a stout vegetarian again AFTER you don't have a meat-hungry baby growing inside you. :)

    That is all.

  2. Dude, I wish I could give you some sort of medal for being the best blog-comment of my life.
    - You will make the right decision about the flu shot, I have no idea what the "right" decision is--but you will make the right one for you!
    - I feel like after I read my breastfeeding book, I might be a quasi-expert, so let me know if I can help you.
    - Birth plans stress me out...still.
    - Bumps- I appreciate the support, because I really don't get it. How am I possibly going to get THREE MONTHS BIGGER! LoL.
    - The president of PETA is probably mad at me, but I don't know if I would change it if I could--that's how good that damn burger was! LoL.

  3. Becky. Your blog makes me seriously happy! I am soo glad to know you feel a lot of what I do! I look at my belly (I'm just barely starting to look pregnant and not fat) and wonder how on earth it's going to keep stretching, too.
    Flu-shot: I got the thermisol-free one. or at least that's what they told me. Thermisol is the one people are afraid is linked to autism (I personally don't believe it, but whatever).
    Breast-feeding- please let me know when you come across good resources! I am reading a book on the Bradley method of birth right now and I think it covers breastfeeding, but haven't gotten that far. I have special issues, too (hah, like always), but that would be tmi especially for a blog comment.
    Birth plans- I just have a general 'all natural' blanket- no meds, no interventions, no bottles/pacifiers. If it were up to me I'd deliver at home (with a midwife, obviously), but Keith is not so into that.
    However, as much as I do LOVE your blog I also feel like I'm hopelessly uninformed compared to you. I'm reading like 4 pregnancy books, but somehow don't think they're the 'right' ones.
    I was craving an In-N-Out burger the other day like you would not believe and I don't even like in-n-out; crazy babies :)

    See you in like 20 days!

  4. Oh and about the size of your belly... you're right! Enjoy that he's growing healthy and strong! I think you look fantastic! People just say stupid things. Don't let what *they* think you look like get to you. People say I look little for how pregnant I am which made me think I was being a bad mom and not giving her enough good food to grow; but, the ultrasound showed she's 1 lb 2 oz which is on the bigger end of where she should be. So, basically, I've decided people don't know what they're talking about and I'm going to ignore comments about how I look.

    I agree with everything Chrisanne says and she writes more eloquently, but I thought I'd let you know I am here, too! :)

  5. Thanks Lee! It's all just so crazy to think about, and I can never wrap my head around all the things that I still have to do, I know that I am on top of things, but there is still so much to think about, it just consumes me...literally every single day. Thanks for the support!
