
Friday, December 24, 2010

What's in a Name?

I feel like I am burgeoning on becoming somewhat of a pregnancy expert (I'm being sarcastic, so no one be offended). I have read a few books, taken a few classes, and made it OVER 8 1/2 months through this pregnancy. So, I've decided to share this knowledge with the masses of people that read this blog, and I have a word of advice.

Do NOT tell anyone your baby name. At all. Let me be one. Not your best friend, not your dog, not your grandma, not your sister, not your brother, not your mom. Don't do it. I know, from experience, that this is a bad idea.

Further advice--do not tell anyone that you have a name at all. Use this line, "we just haven't decided yet." And then rub your tummy and smile all cute and serene-like. I promise it works, and it works better than saying, "Yes we have a name, but we're not telling it yet," which, no matter how true it is, makes you sound like a bitch.

How do I know this? From experience that is how.

I have a sister, and we are really close, we have been our whole lives. I wanted a baby sister from the time I was basically born. My brother was really mean to me growing up, and all I wanted was a sister that I could be friends with, and take places, and be nice to. I think I did a pretty good job. So, my sister was the first person that I told that we were pregnant (I couldn't help it--I had to tell someone). My sister was also the first person that I told the elusive name to. This was a mistake. Now, don't get me wrong, she didn't tell anyone that we were pregnant, and she hasn't told anyone (that we really didn't want to know yet) the name. BUT, the fact that we told Ashley has caused quite a bit of mayhem in the Norris/Hoyle household.

First, when my other siblings found out that she knew--they were pissed. I mean really pissed. I have heard, "Why did you tell Ashley and no one else" about 50 times. This was NOT my intention at all. I just had to tell someone (mistake #1), and she seemed like a logical choice. My intention was not to hurt anyone's feelings, or make any of my siblings feel like I like them LESS than Ashley. It's not the case, and it was not intentional. So, if I hurt ANYONE'S feelings that reads this blog--I wholeheartedly apologize. I really do. Read the above and know that I will tell NO ONE next time.

Second, I then told people that we were going to "reveal" the name at Christmas. This was a GIANT, HUGE, COLOSSAL mistake. Now, (1) we've made this a way bigger deal than we ever intended to do and (2) people keep ever-loving asking us about it. At the Hoyle family Christmas, I must have been asked 20 times about the name--and honestly, there are some people I just don't want to know. I want to tell our immediate families, and that's it. I don't want to deal with grandparents (especially my grandpa, who will have some stupid comment about it and I might punch him in the face), or aunts and uncles. I really just don't want the judgement, at all. It just makes the Christmas more stressful because I have to worry about what people will say about the name, and if they will talk about it.

Let me be clear--I love the name. I absolutely adore it, I've been calling him this name for months. BUT, I just don't want people's facial expressions, mannerisms, and various comments to ruin this for us.

I wish we could renege on this agreement and just not tell anyone until he was born, that way he HAS the name and they will shut their mouths. BUT, we cannot because people are already mad about Ashley knowing.

So, I just want all of you expectant mothers out there and people who will be expecting at some point. I am begging you to take this advice, especially if you have a "unique" name that people may be rude about.

I am excited to be able to refer to him by his name to family, but I really hope that this works out. There are several individuals that I could see making an issue out of this, and so I am praying for a "Christmas miracle" and that everyone likes the name (or I'll settle for JUST SAYS that they like it...because that is it-regardless).

In case you haven't been able to tell, I'm a bit nervous about telling people the name.


  1. I've been thinking about you telling your family at Christmas and hoping it goes well!
    We also had issues with the 'not telling people the name thing' and I very much wanted to smack a specific someone.
    Next time I will go with the "we haven't decided yet." I wish I had been smart enough to think to say that this time because if I had one do-over from this pregnancy (that I have control over, anyway) it would be the name thing.
    Hope you have a wonderful Christmas and that you get your 'miracle'!

  2. If we ever have another one, we were considering telling, so I am super glad to read this.

    Isn't it ridiculous how people react negatively to something like that? It ticks me off, too. So we didn't tell anyone Miles' name when I was pregnant and I have a minor horror story for that.

    I'll tell you sometime, but I'm not going to post it here! :)
