
Thursday, December 30, 2010

Almost 9 months pregnant

It's true, in just a few short days I will be 36 weeks pregnant, or 9 months. That is really something. There are days when I feel like this pregnancy has gone on forever, and there are days when I feel like it was incredibly short and holy-crap I'm going to be a mommy in about a month. However, I do have some updates on the joys and pains of being 9 months pregnant.

- Finn is kicking like crazy, he moves around all the time. I have found that he especially loves movies. He just goes nuts with all the surround sound, which is really kind of funny.

- Finn is kicking like crazy, and sometimes it legitimately hurts. Also, on the topic of movies, it's not that fun to go to the movies because you are NEVER comfortable, can't get comfortable, and have to get up to use the bathroom at least twice during a long movie.

- Eating...I am hungry a lot, and therefore get a lot of great food, especially through the holidays.

- Eating- I seem to have only two levels--really hungry or really full and neither of these are very comfortable. Also, heartburn remains a huge problem, so I constantly have to be thinking about what will/ will not give me a rampant case of heartburn.
- Eating- I also appear to have gotten to the gigantic stage of pregnancy where people think to themselves "Can she actually fit inside a booth?" Seriously, I have gotten asked that, which is actually thoughtful because sometimes I legitimately feel uncomfortable sitting in a booth; however, it does not make it less embarassing, in case you were wondering.

- We have hired our doula, and are pretty excited about it. She is awesome, and seems to be exactly what we wanted. She stressed that she was hired to be an emotional support to us, and to let her know (and don't be shy) about what we need. Both Randy and I are really excited about all of this.

Okay, well this was supposed to be longer...but Randy just got here with breakfast, and I will just tell you that there are a lot of joys AND pains about pregnancy.

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