
Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Today on the agenda: people who are cheap

So, I woke up on the wrong side of the bed. Now, when I say this, I am speaking metaphorically, because since my bed is placed against the wall--I can only wake up on one side of the bed. I was crabby for several reasons...
1. It's only Wednesday and I didn't get to sleep in
2. I had to wake up at 5:00 and I am still getting used to this. I decided that I am going to work out in the morning, because then I can really strive to make it a routine, I have to wake up every morning and therefore I need to ensure that that is the absolute first thing that I do. That way, I will slowly but surely, begin to do it every day.
3. I was incredibly sore from day #1 yesterday, like the most sore I've been since 2008, the days when Beth used to make me do terrible things like lunges and squats until I could barely move the next day!
4. Randy said that he would clean the dishes, and he didn't and nothing annoys me more than waking up to a messy house. Now, you'll recall the deal that I have mentioned in previous posts--I clean, Randy cooks. Well yesterday, I COOKED! You heard it here first people. I not only cooked, but I cooked a lot. I made cornbread, homemade soup, and asparagus and cheese. I'm such a good little wife, aren't I? I mentioned to Randy that this should mean that he cleans up. He said, "sure." My kitchen continues to be ridiculously dirty.
5. I could not make my oatmeal because Randy's dad is working on the electrical in our kitchen and there is no longer a plug (at the moment) for the microwave...FML.
6. While I worked out, both of my dogs make it their goal in life to be right underneath my feet so that I almost trip and fall about 30 times during a 40 minute work-out. GEEZ!

Now, these are all relatively small reasons to be upset, but the longer the day goes on the more annoyed that I seem to be. The only bright spot in my day, thus far, has been reading Chrisanne's blog, because it is flipping HILARIOUS!

Anyways, so here's the thing that is REALLY annoying me today. Cheap people. They are everywhere. There is nothing that annoys me more then dealing with a cheap person. I'd like to shower you with examples right now and I've decided that I'm going to do it--Jeff Foxworthy style.

If we go out to lunch together and I say "I'll get it this time and you can get it next time," but 'next time' never might be a cheap-ass.

If we order pizza together and/or with a large group of people and you don't offer to might be a cheap ass.

If I have to ask you for money that you owe might be a cheap ass.

If I have to ask you for money that you owe me are most-definitely a cheap ass.

If I say I'll buy you dinner and you order the most expensive thing on the menu (that I know you wouldn't order otherwise) might be a cheap ass.

If you call me and ask me if I want you to buy me the commemorative magazine of my favorite show and then call me every day after that to ask about your lousy $10 (when I haven't even seen you) might be a cheap ass.

Basically, I hate when people owe me money and don't pay me. I hate it a lot...a LOT, and along with the 493 other things that have annoyed me today, that is the #1 thing that has annoyed the illustrious words of Stephanie Judith Tanner, "How rude!"

1 comment:

  1. 1. I love Stephanie Tanner

    2. I might be a cheap ass in some instances according to your blog

    3. I'm glad my blog about rapists was the bright spot of your day

    4. Do you want me to come over and do your dishes?
