
Thursday, March 31, 2011

Excuse me while I gush

So, sometimes when I re-read my posts I think to myself, "Who the hell is that person? That lovey-dovey, can't-shut-up-about-how-great-everything-is person?" Well...I can't help it. I am in love with my little man. I can't help it. I am just so damn happy. My heart sometimes feels so full of love and awe and amazement at what I helped to create that I just can't help feeling so lucky, so happy, and so incredibly blessed. Yes, there are times that are hard (usually around 3 am) but sometimes even in those moments I am just so happy to be with him. That I am able to sit with my baby and bask in him, that I don't have to get up for "real" work in the morning and leave him with someone else, who is not his mommy (at least...not yet, but for now I am ignoring this fact and pretending that it does not exist). I am just so full of, you'll have to excuse me while I gush. Because you would too if you got to look at this every day...

Or these gorgeous fingers...
Or these cute toes...

Or this little smile...

Or this big smile, that is slowing turning into a little laugh...which melts my heart...

Or beautiful moments like this...
Or this...

Or my family, which feels so complete and perfect...(except for my fat butt, which I am working on [down 4.3 pounds since my starting weight :)])
So, I'm sorry for gushing.

But really I'm not...and I'm going to keep doing it.


1 comment:

  1. I don't blame you AT ALL. Keep the gushing coming. :) I love these posts. I am proud of you about the weight loss! That is a lot in no time at all! You will feel comfortable with your body again super soon at this rate. I love you!
