
Thursday, March 24, 2011

My thoughts...

So, my sister told me a story a few days ago. Her friend has four young children and they were in Target and they were ALL in the process of melting down. She was breaking down, emotionally and an older woman came up to her and said, "The days are long, but the years are short."

This sentiment is what I've been thinking about the last few days. People always say to "Cherish the time because it'll be gone before you know it." And then others talk about how their children's childhoods went away so quickly and they wish that they would have enjoyed it more. I feel for these people, I really do. BUT, I don't think that I am doing that. Actually, I think I may be the opposite. I am so hypersensitive that each and every moment is special that sometimes I get irrationally sad that they are ending so quickly. Finn isn't a newborn anymore, he is officially an infant. That being said, I love where he is right now, he's so smiley and happy and fun and is really starting to look around at the world. It is awesome! BUT, he doesn't want to be held like a baby (hardly at all) anymore. How sad is that? He is less than two months old and when I hold him like a baby, unless it's time to eat or bedtime, he gets really mad. It makes me really sad.

I am so excited to see my little one grow up, but I am so sad that ALREADY it's moving too fast. So, even on a bad day...even on no sleep, I have never wished it all away. Last night, while I was singing to him--I started crying my face off because I was so sad that he never lets me hold him like a baby anymore.

Finn is really cranky today, I have come to the conclusion that I cannot eat tomatoes AT ALL or else he projectile vomits AND he is incredibly gassy and cranky. However, I will just make sure I am happy that he wants to be held and snuggled.

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