First, this morning (I actually have this one quite often) while I was looking at my gorgeous child (he is gorgeous isn't he?), I started to cry because, quite honestly, I am in awe of him. Not only do I think he's fabulous...and beautiful...but he is also starting to have such a great, fun, sweet, and 40 more glowing adjectives, personality. He is so smiley and happy and although he does have some bad gas, that I just wish I could help him with, he is great. I honestly feel so blessed that he is mine. I always understood people when they said "you'll understand real love when you have children" and my reply was somewhat like this ::scoff:: "sure" But it's true. You think you know love when you marry the love of your life. You think you know love when you look at your gorgeous nieces and nephews, your sisters and brothers, your parents, your friends.'ve heard it here (so it must be true) you don't know what real love is until you look into the eyes of the gorgeous child that you helped create. You cannot love your husband any more (or wife, I imagine) than when he holds his baby and you see the love in his eyes. It's truly amazing, and I am so grateful for it.
Third, when I left for the dentist appointment I started crying because I was leaving him. I've left him several times, and I cry pretty much every time. I'm still not over that stage yet. I don't know if I ever will be. C'mon don't you want me to be your photographer so I don't have to go back to work???? @Jenn--when you read this, we need to work at being better photographers! You want to?
Fourth, I was blog stalking today and I was pleasantly surprised that my favorite blog-writer is pregnant again. I like seriously broke down...I secretly want to be her best friend...really REALLY bad. She has had a few losses, and her story is heartbreaking and I am just so happy for her! I mean...apparently crying-happy for her.
Fifth, I was blog stalking some more and came across Sarah's blog (one of the people who I aspire to be like) and she posted about going to Disney world...and I started thinking about how awesome Disney World is and how I can't wait to bring Finn...and I started crying AGAIN!
I am so emotional it's ridiculous, but I don't care. I would rather be OVER emotional, than not emotional at all. It's just hard not to cry (mostly happy tears) because there is so much joy and beauty in my life right now...mostly in a little 10-12 lb package :)
Ok, whoa! I'm sorry my post made you cry, but aspire to be like???? whoa. Intimidating. :)
ReplyDeleteSorry Sarah-LoL. I think you're an awesome teacher and you handle so many things at the same time--I hope I can do it as well as you do someday :)