
Sunday, March 27, 2011

Warning: This entire post is "TMI"

So, when you're exclusively breastfeeding, you're not supposed to get your period...for at least 6 months...sometimes longer.


Now, let me back up...after you have a baby you bleed for up to 6 weeks, it's called Lochia--look it up if you want to. I don't need to regail you with the disgusting stuff. Anyways...I bled for about 4 weeks, then stopped, then (randomly) began to bleed again. I thought "How is this possible? I can't possibly have my period again...can I?" I called my OB's office, I called Lavawn (the awesome lactation consultant)...they it's probably residual bleeding. I think...okay that makes more sense, even with the cramps, even with the bloating, even with the way that it TOTALLY felt like a period. I believed them.

Well, let me tell you something...yesterday I got that GD period again. BULLSHIT! Seriously, are you kidding me? Finn is exclusively breastfed, 8 weeks old and I get TWO periods in those 8 weeks? DAMN ME AND MY SUPER FERTILITY!!!!!


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