
Thursday, September 8, 2011

The beginning of the cloth diaper journey.

Last Friday, against strict instructions from my loving husband, Ashley and I made our way to the store "Cutie Poops and Bottoms" in Orland Park, IL. Cloth diapering is something that I have been going back and forth about for several months. I have always said I wanted to cloth diaper our next child, but Randy was so against it, I didn't want to add another thing to our plate at the moment.

After doing some MORE research on the topic, I decided that cloth diapering wasn't something that I was willing to wait on, and after sharing some of this information with Randy; he eventually hopped on board the "I am so crunchy I can barely stand it" train. (choo-choo!)

On the day we went to the store, Ashley talked to her friend on the phone, they both went on and on about how crazy I was and said things like "why would you want to cloth diaper your kid?" After we left the store Ashley said,"I am sold" and completely understood.

We got a "trial pack" which basically means that you are getting 15-20 different kinds of diapers and seeing which one/ones work best for you/your baby.

Finn is pretty awesome, so he could care less about any of this. The first day I tried them, he leaked through a bit, but other than that they worked fine. I have been slowly introducing more and more cloth diapers throughout the past week. Through all of these trials, I have decided on two that I like the most-GroVia (an All-in-one cloth diaper), and the Flip diaper (which has inserts). Both of these have worked very well on Finn, we will be switching within the next week or so. I am VERY excited, and a little bit nervous about it.

We (proudly) purchased our last box of diapers and dropped them off at daycare for Finn, I spoke with Miss Laura (the woman who watches him) and she was completely on-board with the cloth diapers (I love her).

I am so totally, completely open to suggestions for this :)

Excited to be going green, and hopefully helping my munchkin at the same time!


  1. Wait, I don't understand what prompted the switch. What 'sold' you on the idea? I was open to it, but Keith said 'no way', too.

  2. Lee-the "green" factor (both environmentally and monetarily), along with the chemicals in the diapers. All of that and some research I did about the diapers themselves :) If you text me/call me I'll tell you more about it.
