
Thursday, September 29, 2011

8 months old

In one day, my baby will be 8 months old. Eight months old. Can you believe it? Because I can't.

This is a bittersweet moment, as is every month that passes. My baby is another month older, another month closer to being a toddler, or a child, or a teenager, or a (gulp!) adult. But, at the same time it is so gosh darn cool too. I love watching him grow, I love watching him become who he is going to be. Because he has such a personality already, and from what I see he is going to be awesome (biased? Maybe, but he totally is).

In month 7 of Finn's life he has had a lot of fun, and a few bad times. He has gotten to be QUITE the expert at pulling himself up, and finding a way to get back down. At the beginning of the month it was more of a "plop" and now he slowly lets himself back into a sitting position, with a very sweet 'plie' type move. It is so adorable.

He also is an expert crawler, and he knows exactly what he wants. He sometimes crawls with one leg up and one leg down, and he can also walk along the furniture. He is quite the mover and shaker. It is seriously cool, and a little bit scary.

He has also become so much more vocal, he says "DA DA DA" all the time, and "Ba ba ba" and "La la la" and "ya ya" and "ha ha" and then YESTERDAY he said "Ma ma ma." I was terribly happy about it, because I feel like it is truly one of life's cruel jokes that babies say "dada" before "mama." I want to scream "YOU BIT MY NIPPLES" or "I DELIVERED YOU WITH NO DRUGS" sometimes when he does it.

He has gone to the orchard, played with his new friend's at Ms. Laura's and gotten his first cold. He also had croup for his first AND second time, and a double ear infection for the first time, and had "real" medicine for the first AND second time.

He claps now.
And SOMETIMES waves hi to people.

He knows how to turn pages when we read books.
He LOVES Mary Poppins and smiles at her when she sings.

He loves Mommy and he loves Daddy, but I am pretty sure that he loves Ella most of all. And I am consistently amazed by how wonderful Ella is with him, ever patient and sweet.

He has visited "the pub" several times, and Target (which he loves)--he also sat in the actual seat at Target for the first time.

He is STILL the happiest, sweetest, best baby that I have ever met. I wish he understood how happy he makes me, how wonderful he is and how much he is loved; he will one day.

Until then, it's been an amazing 8 months.

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