
Saturday, September 10, 2011


My day has been the epitome of insanity.

Finn and I went to sleep last night around 10, we woke up at 11:15 to lots and lots of puke. Then an hour of dry heaving, with more puke mixed into it. It was not fun.

I had to call the doctor at 11:30 at night, and I loved him even more for answering, and talking to me like a sane person, talking me down from a crazy, crying frenzy. Instructions: keep him sitting up, don't feed him until morning, keep checking him for fever.

Then he woke up at 3:00, and I wasn't supposed to feed him, so it was very difficult to get him back to sleep. He woke up again at 7:00am.

The day was seriously insane. Randy left for a bachelor party at 9:00am. Finn took a three hour nap, I started cleaning, and co-op cooking, then I couldn't stop. I was like a tornado. I cleaned (really cleaned) the house for the first REAL time since school started. I did every piece of laundry in this house. I made 5 pans of baked macaroni and cheese for the co-op. In between all of this, I took care of baby Finn, who was miserable all day.

I am exhausted right now. Seriously. I am also terribly lonely. I missed my sister quite a lot today, I wished (several times) that I had someone else to call and just bitch to. No one can listen to me bitch like Ashley can.

I did get to skype with her today, which was cool. She already says her "a's" different; it was weird. She better not leave me.

I feel like this post is pretty pointless, but I am going to publish it anyways, because maybe someone else feels a little bit pointless, and since I am lonely, I want you to know that you're not alone.
