
Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Unsolicited Advice...yeah.

So, I have about 485 things that I should be doing. Like, I should be grading papers, planning lessons, GRADING PAPERS, preparing for an observation today, etc. etc. etc.

BUT, I had to stop in and let you know that I think that my least favorite part of parenting is unsoliticited GD advice. Can I give everyone, all 6 of you that read this, a word of advice? Let people raise their children how they want to. Seriously.

Today, I came into school, and there was a substitute, a sub who was a teacher when I went here, a crazy, batty old lady. She asks me "Who is watching Finn?" and I start talking about Laura, and how much we like her and yadayadayada. She then launches into this tirade.

Her: "Just don't OVER-parent, some parents are crazy and they won't let their kids eat any sugar, or strawberries (in a mocking tone) 'what if they are allergic?' well if they are allergic you aren't going to know anyways. You just shouldn't OVER-mother your kids."

My head: Blank stare, processing, in head 'get the f&*( away from me lady'

Her: "...and I hope you're using throw-away diapers, the regular diapers are a double-wash you know? They are awful."

My head: Aghast stare....seriously what the f&*^& am I supposed to say to that? Huh? Am I supposed to regale this psycho with the 10 reason that I know off the top of my head why cloth diapering is a good choice (if it's something you want to do)? No. So I just stare at her.

Her: (clearly feeling awkward that I am not saying anything) How's Randy? Is he involved?

Me: Yes,I never thought he wouldn't be. Randy is a great dad.

Her: That's great, that's important

My head: No shit. Obviously that was something I thought about it our 11 years together, that Randy would be present in our children's lives. GET AWAY FROM ME.

Her: (once again feeling awkward because I am not responsive) okay well have a good day.

Me: You too
My head: You suck. I hate you for starting my morning like this. I hope you stub your toe, or get a giant paper-cut.

Yeah, happy morning to all of you.

1 comment:

  1. LOL you crack me up! Sorry you dealt with a crazy lady... i wonder who it is, but I probably wouldn't remember her anyway.
    I struggle with the unsolicited advice. In fact, I'm totally guilty of barraging Chrisanne with advice last week-- Sorry Chrisanne! I just felt bad for her with the no-sleep thing. Not sleeping really really sucks.
    I've come to learn, too, that what works for my family could be the very wrong thing for another family, so it's kind of pointless to unload your words on someone who may not want to hear them, anyway. I just need to remember that before I open my mouth or let my fingers walk on a keyboard.
