
Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Abscence Explained...

So, I'm sorry I've been MIA, but I have an excuse (a really good one...okay, well I have an excuse). In case you don't happen to be one of the 5 people I know that read this blog, let me explain.

I have a problem. A serious addiction. I love to read. When I find a book that I truly love, I don't just read it--I devour it, I live it, I become connected to the characters in a way that I can only explain as friendship. I cry with them when their lives are hard, I laugh with them when things are funny, I empathize with them and cannot put them out of my head.

So, over the last two days I have made some new friends. Katniss and Peeta are my two favorite. Yep, I'm reading the Hunger Games trilogy. I just finished the second book about 25 minutes ago (then fed and put Finn to sleep), and the absolute one-and-only reason I am even writing this is because I didn't go out and buy the third book. A student said that they would bring it to me today, and didn' now I'll probably have to drag Finn to buy the third one tomorrow.

I know that most of my good friends and family love to read, but sometimes I like to pretend that I connect with the characters in a way that no one else understands. You'll often hear crazy readers say things like "I read the entire Twilight series in 5 days (ME!)" or "I read all seven Harry Potter books in two weeks (Me again)." Even crazier people have tattoos in elvish on their foot because their first true book obsession was with a series called Lord of the Rings (yep, still me.).

I just can't help it...the authors are so amazing. They draw me in and I want to live in these worlds. Randy and I have had countless conversations starting with "would you rather be a vampire or a wizard?" and have gotten into debates about which one is better. My students have asked me which house Finn would be in if he went to Hogwarts (to which I replied--well, let's just wait until he is 11 and gets his letter!). Randy and I read the entire first book of Harry Potter to Finn while he was still in the womb.

I don't really have any purpose in writing this blog, other than I am so damn sad that I don't have that third book, that this is my way to stay in their world a bit longer. So, Katniss--I really want to know if Peeta survived, and if he is okay. So, please let me dream sweet dreams tomorrow, and get my morning chores done really quickly so Finn and I can make our way to Target to buy the third book in the morning (Ssssshhhh...don't tell Randy! :))


  1. I missed you and wondered where you went!
    I looked up the series because I haven't heard of it. I'm a dork about violence & can't see or read about it. (Ironic that I'm a Marine's wife?) Is the violence that bad in the books?

  2. Hi, I'm going to follow your blog on the basis of this post! I've literally just placed these books in my basket on Amazon so am really looking forward to them arriving now. I'm having a Young Adult kind of episode at the moment. Try the 'Gone' series by Michael Grant as well.
    I also read all four Twilight books in a week but I'm saving Harry Potter for after the final film comes out.
    Wow, that's a long comment for someone I've never met before. How creepy am I? (I'm not really)

  3. Lee- Thanks :) I don't know--they do have a lot of violence, but I think they are worth it. However, violence doesn't really bother me all that much, and I've read MUCH, MUCH worse. Remember they are considered "young adult" books, so they can't be that bad.

    Elaine- YEA!! 1. You are not all. I follow, way too many, blogs that I don't know who writes them! I am seriously JEALOUS of you that you haven't read Harry Potter yet. I wish I could go back and re-live it all. They are FABULOUS, probably my favorite series of all-time. You will love them. I have 1-2 more books I'd like to read, and then I'm going to re-read the Harry Potter books before the final movie comes out (it's a ritual, I've done it before the last 2-3 movies have come out). Thanks so much for following!

  4. Hi Becky. I just saw this post somehow. Anyway I think you'd really like a Kindle. I downloaded all three books in seconds, and the cost was cheaper than buying the actual book. You can also download free samples of any book you want on Amazon to see if you like it first. I've been traveling all weekend and got to read the entire first book because I had the Kindle with me. Just a thought for the reading-obsessed :)
