
Sunday, May 29, 2011

The Kindness of Strangers

In case you don't know...I'm kind of a cynic. I often say "people suck" or when someone is mean, "not too surprising." But some days, someone just pops out of nowhere and makes me question my cynical self. There are so many nice people in the world, and when the pop up, I wonder "do they know that they just made my entire day?"

Yesterday, two of my best friends Jenn, Bett and I shot a wedding. It was a scary and nerve-wracking day for me. Not because of the wedding, which did make me a bit nervous, but because it was the first time I would be leaving my baby boy alone all day long. I was gone for over 12 hours, and it was scary. During that time I had to pump 4 times(because I'm breastfeeding, in case you don't remember the month or so that this blog was entitled "tales of my ta-tas"), which was also a bit of a struggle. Fancy-schmancy hotels in downtown Chicago don't have places where crazies can go to pump breastmilk (at least that they are sharing with the world), so I had to go in the bathroom, sit on the toilet, and pump. It was NOT awesome.

However, the first time I pumped, I was a bit stressed, because the wedding ceremony was starting in just about 20 minutes, so I was rushing to store the milk after I was done. One mother was rinsing out a bottle and asked "How old is yours?" and we had a nice little chat. Another woman came out and said, "Oh I remember those days." and I mentioned about how it was a pain in the butt. She came over to me--rubbed my back, and said "You're doing good stuff for your baby."


There are totally still great people in the world.

And I think to myself today, why didn't I tell her? Why didn't I say something more than just "thank you." Because she made me feel better, and special, and happy with just those words...and I'll never see her again, never know her name. All I can do is try to pay it forward.

Maybe being cynical is not necessarily my thing anymore?

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