
Sunday, May 8, 2011

The FIRST Mother's Day

How crazy is that to say? I have never been a mother on Mother's day before...but, this year, I get to participate :)

It was a pretty good day altogether. We spent a lot of time with family, and got to eat a lot of delicious food. But, my favorite part was at our house...just us. I woke up, and I didn't get very much sleep. I was kind of crabby, and kind of dreading the busy day that was about to happen (Finn sometimes doesn't do well when he's not on a normal schedule).

Well I woke up and saw this...
That Randy is so sly...I had to wait until Finn woke up to open it, which was tough
And then I got my presents...
First, a plant (it starts with an R, and it's a long name...Randy thinks that all mothers should get a plant on Mother's Day and that this is like flowers, but you get them all the time! He's so environmentally conscious. )

Then a hammock stand, which I have wanted for EVER!

And then, my favorite part, Finn (aka Randy) wrote me a poem, a poem that was so good that I thought he had downloaded it from the internet. A poem about swinging with Mommy, and it made me cry. The best presents are the ones that take time and effort to make, and it means so much to me.

I am so lucky. Sometimes, I can't even believe how lucky I am. I get to love this man, who is my perfect match. I get to look at him, watch him love my baby. I have this gorgeous child whom I love more than anyone on the planet, and I have my puggle.

It is such a wonderful life.


  1. I love the new look to the blog AND doubly love Finn's poem! :) I hope you had a wonderful 1st Mother's Day!!

  2. I remember my first Mother's Day, it was so special! I'm so glad you were spoiled!

    The plant is a rhododendron. I got one last year. (it's fairly fickle, so look up care instructions!)

    Way to go, Randy!

  3. I'm glad you enjoyed your mother's day! I got a hydrangea plant because I'm the eco-conscious one. I hate throwing out flowers after I've only had them for a few days.

    I love the new blog look!
