
Thursday, May 19, 2011

A good book...

Finishing a good book, is a lot like waking up from a long, deep sleep. It makes you look at the world differently.

You guessed it, today, actually about 20 minutes ago, I finished The Hunger Games trilogy. I cried (of course I did), but I also started thinking about how much I love to read. Reading takes you to a different place, forces you to live in a different world, even if it's just for a short amount of time.

I stepped out of those books today, and I felt like a stranger in my home. I walked around, looked at the dinner I had started in the morning, started to clean up a bit, but I I didn't belong. I had to acclimate myself to "the real world" again. I'd been living in Panem for the last 4 days (yep--three books in four days, with a 4 month old baby...those are some GOOD books). And Indiana doesn't look exactly the same as Panem.

These books are fantastic, truly. I haven't enjoyed a set of books so much since Twilight. I lost myself, and that's my favorite part of reading a good book. I made friends with Katniss and Peeta, and got angry at them sometimes, but ultimately forgave them, and loved them anyways.

One of the things that I hope (so much) for Finn when he grows up is that he loves to read. Not just tolerates it, not just does it for school, but truly loves to read. I hope he can lose himself in it. If he can't, I'll survive, but I'll hope that he will find something that he can lose himself in...something he feels passionately about.

I'm thinking I might make a weekly post about what I'm reading. The rest tend to be about how wonderful Finn is (which I am totally okay with! :)), but reading is something that's mine, all my own, which is kind of fun too!

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