
Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Leaving on bus.

One of the things that I absolutely LOVED about journalism as a 17 year-old idealist was the field trips. We went to nationals all over the country, and state convention and various other trips throughout the years.

One of the things that I have a love/hate relationship as a 29 year-old idealist is the field trips. I know that they are INVALUABLE to the students, but this is the fourth field trip this year for me, and the third one that is overnight for at least one night.

I have been fortunate enough to have been able to take Finn with me for two of them, but I didn't have anyone to come with me for this one to watch him. So...the inevitable is happening. I am leaving him here with...his father. :)

I have serious mixed-feelings about this. I've never been away from him for so long, and I know that will be difficult. I will miss him. I will also be ridiculously pissed about the fact that I have to PUMP. Yuck. I HATE pumping so much.

I'm also worried about him. I'm worried about him being crabby for Daddy, or feeling like I'm gone for good...and lots of other obviously irrational things.

However...this is the part that I would like you to refrain from judging me about (Really, I don't give a shit if you judge me...because I know everyone does it).

I am really excited to sleep all night long in a bed by myself. Like...really excited.

It's also completely, disgustingly sad to me that taking 11 teenagers down to southern Indiana is considered "alone time." Wtf is that, right?

So, in approximately 12 minutes I will make my way to the mini-bus, load up and drive to Ball State with 11 teenagers. This is what constitutes relaxation. Geez. Hoping that everything goes well for us...but also for Randy and Finn and my parents (who are watching Finn tomorrow after daycare).


1 comment:

  1. Hi Becky...just read this (told you I was going to!) I hope your trip went well. I dislike pumping too. I would probably also be heartbroken if I had to leave Violet, even if it was with James or my mom, because they don't know "how I do things" with her and the tons of small details that would probably be impossible to explain to them (like the way I walk and rock her at the same's just a certain way). I know what you mean though about a full night of sleep ALONE. I would love that right now, and I don't mean that in a way like I don't want James or Violet or Monroe around. When you get a Mommy Break, you end up being a better mommy/wife all around. See you this weekend!
