
Monday, April 2, 2012

Where oh where have I been?

Well I've been missing for a while (I know, I are dying without my ever-so-awesome blog entries...what? you miss the constant complaining and whining? You miss my hilarious wittiness?).

I'm sorry to disappoint you, but there will be very little complaining in this entry, which brings me to the reason for my extended absence.

I've been on Spring break, and therefore...shockingly enough, relaxed, and happy. After two days off Randy said "Even when you're mad at me you're just so much...nicer when you're not working outside of the house." It's just so true.

We had such a great break, full of friends and family and playing!

On Monday we went over to Kathy's house and played with Alexis. I don't get to see Kathy anywhere NEAR as often as I would like to, so it was so fun to get the two kids together. Finn is working very hard on sharing and so it gets frustrating to try to help him learn this, but I would honestly say by the end of the week I think he was doing much better. After that, Finn took a nap in the car, and we picked up Betty and headed out to Orland mall. We went to Babies-R-Us and Baby gap (found his Easter outfit), and came home. That night we went to the park.

Tuesday we went back to the mall with Chrisanne and Tenley to find Tenley an Easter outfit! Then Finn had a doctor's appointment in the afternoon.

Wednesday we went over to Betty's and had lunch with Betty, Clark, Chrisanne, and Tenley. At night we went and played with Addy and Uncle Ryan and Aunt Sarah.

Thursday was another treat. Finn went to daycare, while I went and got a massage and pedicure. It was fantastic. Then I picked him up, we played in our yard for a while, then he went to Grandma and Papa's while I went out to dinner with all of the journalism advisers in the area at House of Kobe. YUM!

Friday might have been my favorite day of all--we took Finn and Tenley to get their Easter pictures done, and then we took them to Bellaboos, which is an adorable play/learn place. It was seriously so much fun to watch the two of them play together, and splash and learn.

Saturday and Sunday were just as fun as the week. On Saturday we went to visit Great-Grandpa and hung out with my dad (aka Papa), then Betty and Mike came over for dinner. Mike and Randy decided that Katniss would be the perfect name for the next children that Betty and I have (assuming that they were girls), and Betty and I tried not to kill the two of them.

Sunday was Easter at my parents (they'll be in France for "real" Easter).

How awesome does that sound? Because it was even better.

I had so much fun with Finn over the last week, which made it a ridiculous amount of difficult to leave him today.

He signs "more" and "finished" and "dog" now. We're working on the signs for "please" and "thank you." He also gestures "I don't know" and blows kisses. He said his first sentence "Bye-Bye Da!" over the break (at least that I've heard), and he says so many words now: "Bye" "Mama" "Dada" "dog" "ball" "Hello" "Ella" "Elmo" "Tenley" "Addy" (though I think he means the little girl in daycare, but no matter) "Uh-oh" "yes" "no" and those are the only ones that I can think of now. I don't know if it's because I was home with him that he seemed to talk more, or because I just understand him better, but he's so smart, and so fun.

The only downside of Spring break was (1) I had to go back and (2)I ate like an idiot, so I gained a few pounds back. I am trying to get back on track,as I was at my lowest before break, but we will see! :) Wish me luck, and I hope everyone has a wonderful week.


  1. Best spring break, EVER! And I didn't even get a tan or have a is certainly changing! Love you guys!

  2. 1) I'm happy you had such a great week and it was so awesome to spend so much time with you and Finn

    2) Tenley is happy that she has made Finn's word list

    3) Finn is a very good sharer

    4) I hope your week is going well and that we see you soon!

  3. Wow! Finn has a pretty big vocabulary! I think Kate was working on 'bye' yesterday, but we couldn't figure it out (until I was laying in bed that night).
    I am so glad you had such a great spring break! You really needed and deserved to have such a wonderful time! Hope it fills you up and carries you through the rest of the semester!
