
Sunday, October 10, 2010

Blah day...

Today was supposed to be a wonderful day. We were supposed to go to the pumpkin patch today...with my entire family. That means...Mom, Dad, Renee, John, Ava, Grant, Ryan, Sarah, Addison, Randy, Ashley and me. This particular pumpkin patch is absolutely beautiful, it has a petting zoo, a hayride, lots of things to do, and is across the street from my favorite church in the entire world. Well, this morning Randy and I woke up...we were both excited about going and showered and got dressed. We then went off to Home Depot, and I called my dad...bad news #1

1. Ava had been up all night at Grandma and Papa's house vomiting. Which means, Ava didn't sleep all night, Grant didn't go to sleep until midnight, and Grandma and Papa haven't slept either. Papa then claims that--Ava is feeling better, so he thinks we are still going.

Bad news #2. It's going to be 86 degrees today...WHAT THE HELL? It's October. I HATE it when it's 86 degrees in August, let alone in mid-October.

Bad news #3. Renee calls and says, Ava and Grant are not going to be going to the pumpkin patch, it's a recipe for disaster.

Bad news #4. Ryan and Sarah and Addison have colds, they are not going either. Hmm...that leaves...Mom, Dad, Randy, Becky and Ashley...and no children at all, except for the little man in my uterus, who isn't likely to be too involved. pumpkin patch at all! :( That made me very sad. To make matters worse, then I started to not feel very well. I actually thought I was going to pass out again in Menards, and Randy was being a brat for most of the morning (he was disappointed too).

So, that was our morning. We tried our best to make the best of it--we went to Panera for lunch, and then we went and saw The Social Network together, and then spent some quality snuggle-time with the Ella Bella, which is always absolutely wonderful. We were also able to pick out counter-tops for the bathroom and Randy was able to get those counter-tops cut and placed in the bathroom! We are so tantalizingly close to being done with the house, it's truly becoming beautiful!

There are a lot of great things going on right now too...though this blog is very depressing. First, Randy has been feeling the baby move more and more lately. Today at the movies he felt 3 different kicks. I hope he thinks it is as fabulous as I do. Secondly, I turned in my letter for maternity leave last week, which is also wonderful. It gives me a light at the end of the tunnel. I put a start date of January 24th through the end of the year. I truly hope that it works out for me to make it that far, I hope I don't get placed on bedrest or anything like that. Also, Randy and I met with a pediatrician who we liked a lot, and we think we have our daycare provider picked out too! Also, this Tuesday I will officially be 24 weeks, or SIX MONTHS :) Almost done with the second trimester. All good things.

Tomorrow is Monday, which makes me exceptionally sad, but another week of school, means another week closer to my little guy! :)

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