
Monday, October 11, 2010

Seriously feeling like a failure...

Today was a rough day at work. I feel like I simply cannot get ahead in life. I cannot stay ahead of the game, and staying "ahead" is something that I have always been relatively good at. I am not usually a person who is behind in grading, planning, or really anything. I work pretty hard, but I feel like this new job is so over my head.

Today I got to school and within 15 minutes had already been reprimanded twice...
Once, because I didn't turn in the appropriate paperwork for a field trip and second, because I hadn't updated my gradebook for photography in over a week (you are supposed to input new grades at least once a week).

I don't know what it is, but I really feel unprepared for what this job has brought me. Now, don't get me wrong, I am incredibly grateful for it, and most days I really do love it, but today was a bad day. I just feel like I will never figure out how to keep my head above water, I will never do a good job and I am not really preparing these students for life--especially in journalism. I love teaching photography, and honestly, Nancy trained the newspaper and yearbook kids so well, I don't do a whole lot in there either, but journalism. I just feel like a constant and consistent failure, and I really try hard, but I feel like I don't know what I am doing, and it's so frustrating and I hate it. I want so much to be an effective teacher. I really just want to succeed.


  1. I am so sorry you had such a bad day and that I didn't even get to see you! I was going to call you after school but I didn't leave until 7:00 which should give you an indication of how my day went. Stop by if you can tomorrow and we can catch up!! It has to get better, I just know it!

  2. 1) Everyone feels like this some of the time. Take a nap, read a book, take some pictures, play with Ella. Do things you're good at or that make you feel good.
    2) Don't get me started on Munster teachers who did not live up to that grading standard. Learn from it; let it go.
    3) H WAS an amazing teacher and HAS trained her students well-- that includes YOU. You can do this.

  3. Thanks Ladies :) Today was a bit better, so hopefully things are looking up! Courtney--I didn't know you had a blog, but I am officially a follower now! :)
