
Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Life is...overwhelming at the moment

I have no words to describe my life at the moment other than...overwhelming. My life is so crazy right now, I can't even believe that I have the time to do this, and honestly, I really don't. I should be making a PowerPoint presentation to teach financial backers and Regulatory agencies in the media (sounds like fun, doesn't it?), but instead I am here...blogging away, because I need to feel like I have somewhere to vent, and someone to vent TO.

My life is full of both frustrations and wonderful things. And it's the juxtaposition of these two things that make it a bit difficult.

Frustration #1: Sleeping has become incredibly uncomfortable. I wake up 2-3 times a night, every night to go to the bathroom. I also cannot sleep on my back (at all) anymore, which is really hard for me, which means that I wake up with pains in my neck, back and hips from sleeping on my sides. This is made exponentially harder because all I can think about is getting a massage, but I don't know how that would even work with my gigantic stomach. AND--Randy is very inconsistent about giving me massages, he always has good intentions, but I go to sleep earlier than he does, so it rarely pans out.

Frustration #2: I have already talked about this, so I won't elaborate too much, but school is rough lately--I feel like I don't have a whole lot of experience, time, or good ideas at the moment. I am truly in survival mode, and I'm just trying to get through it. I have two big field trips coming up within the next month--state is next week (in Franklin, Indiana) and Nationals are in mid-November, and I honestly just can't wait until they are OVER! Booking flights, buses, getting permission slips, etc. IS EXHAUSTING! However, I have recently found that my department is exceptionally supportive, and they have helped me feel less alone, which is something that I didn't expect.

Frustration #3: I have been feeling ignored by my friends, and this may be partially my own fault, because I am just so busy, but I just feel like no one cares at the moment. This is whiny, and bitchy, but it's true. I feel very unsupported at the moment! :(

Frustration #4: isn't fun and it's making me feel terrible.

Now, there are so many wonderful things at the same time

Wonderful thing #1: My baby boy :) He is moving around like crazy, and sometimes it makes me so incredibly happy that I want to cry. I feel so grateful that he is in there, and he is doing okay. I just can't wait to meet him.

Wonderful thing #2: Randy is home so much more often, and he has some actual time to hang out. This makes me so much more calm, it's great.

Wonderful thing #3: Our house is so close to being finished, I mean it's incredibly close. Randy needs to put up a mirror, paint doors and trim and Randy's dad needs to finish a bit of electrical work, and the entire upstairs is done. It's so wonderful.

I don't even know how to handle this amount of stress, but I feel like maybe just going to sleep now will make me feel better NOW, but worse in the long run. Just trying my best to get ahead. I am just living week to week right now, and maybe that is how this year will have to be, and I'll have to accept it. I can't do everything perfectly, I really can't. Maybe that's okay, but I still want to do my best, and I am trying.


  1. Truth #1: You are one of the strongest people I know. You will get through this; it will be worth it.

    Truth #2: I get the feeling lonely/abandoned...more than you know. I promise you I love and miss you. Remember that not only are you busy, but the people who love you are busy too. :( It's sucky. We never did get together for dinner. Double :(

    Truth #3: I love you and miss you.

  2. Hey Becky!
    Sorry you're overwhelmed! Have you tried this pillow:
    my friend swears by it and if I keep waking up like I do I think I will go pick one up.
    Also, a good massage therapist will be able to give you a massage. You can lay on your side and they will work on one side at a time. Some massage tables used to have special cutouts to support you and baby, too. From what I've heard, Massage Envy has decent prices, so you can get a couple over the next SIXTEEN (can you believe that?!) weeks:
    You have some pretty awesome, wonderful things going on in your life and I am very happy to hear Randy is home more often! I'm also excited to see your "done" home.
    Your stress with school is only making you an even better teacher. You might feel overwhelmed right now, but next year will seem so much easier because you will have more energy and less worries. You're handling a TON of changes right now and it seems like you're doing a great job at all of them! A baby by itself can be overwhelming and you seem to be on top of it all. A new job & it seems like you're giving your best-- that's all anyone can ask.
    Wish I was home! Miss you!
