
Thursday, January 19, 2012

Tubes and Rings and other Things...'s been shit. Just sayin'

Let's start with the good! I've been wearing my wedding and engagement bands for the last week. Why? You may ask. Because they finally fit again. That's right, I have been walking around sans my beautiful engagement ring for almost a year because my fatass hasn't been able to fit into it. Sad, but true.

But anyways, it fits, it fits, it fits. You know what else I am wearing RIGHT at this very minute. A legitimate pair of PRE-pregnancy jeans. Seriously. Let's not get into how they are my "fat pants" from pre-pregnancy, but still PRE-PREGNANCY here people.

Anyways, so back to the bad news. Finn has ANOTHER ear infection. Haven't you heard that babies who breastfeed get fewer ear infections? Well, not my child. My child has had FIVE ear infections since September. Apparently, lucky number FIVE means TUBES.

My precious angel baby has to has a surgery. I don't care how minor it is, it's still surgery to me.

I am still processing this information so I don't have a whole lot to say about it.

We will see what tomorrow brings.

1 comment:

  1. First of all, I'm super happy to hear about the rings and the jeans- major accomplishment and makes all the good eating and working out worth it! I'm sorry to hear about Finn and I really hope that those stupid tubes mean the END of those equally as stupid ear infections. :(
